Purpose & Assignment (Part 2): Learning from the four Hebrew boys and Esther

Hello! Welcome to another edition of purpose and assignment 😁 So, here are a few things that caught my attention as I studied Esther and the four Hebrew boys recently. I hope they are of great use to you especially in the coming year. See you at the end...🌞 🌲 Gather knowledge (Dan. 1:4). In the story of the Hebrew boys, one of the criteria for the men that the king would choose to serve his government was that they had to be "well versed in all kinds of wisdom ." (KJV) It's one thing to be a master in a certain field but to be versed in ALL kinds of wisdom?This meant that they couldn't be limited to the knowledge they got from their formal education, they had to be avid readers and voracious learners. Bear in mind that this was their own purpose journey and, as such, they risked missing out on God's plan for them if they failed in this criteria. Important Tip : This wasn't a role God could play for them, they had to do this by and for themselves. Can yo...