Hey there! How was September? Share it with me in the comments๐Ÿ˜‰!

Meanwhile, today we'll be talking about a topic that plagues many people in our world - Comparison.

If you remember Cain and Abel's story in Genesis, the Bible explains that Cain was angry that God received Abel's sacrifice but did not acknowledge his - Comparison. I believe Cain's envy didn't begin with the 'sacrifice saga', it was a seed that had been growing for sometime. His comparison of himself against Abel must have led to jealousy; jealousy led to envy; envy led to hatred; hatred led to murder! And he had to bear the consequences  of his action all his life! Comparison is a destroyer; give it one mile and it takes 10,000! 

Jealousy and all its family members (envy, covetousness etc.) begin first with one thought of comparison. You know how you see something that someone else has and begin to wonder, "I don't have that. They look better or are doing better than me because of that thing they have that I do not have." Once such thoughts creep in, the next thing you begin to feel is jealousy towards that person, and, soon enough, your relationship with such a person is marred because every time you see them, your jealous thoughts come to mind. 

Some of us have missed the help God placed in the hands of others for us simply because we were jealous of their achievements, accomplishments or possessions.

You know one other thing I discovered very recently? At the root of jealousy is greed. Of course I know that for many people, complexes - both inferior and superior - can be found underlying their actions of comparison and jealousy. Some people also compare themselves with others because they have waited so long for a change in their lives and are yet to see anything. I agree. But to think greed could also be an underlying factor? I didn't see that coming. 

This brings us to one pertinent question we've talked about here before - Motive. What's your motive for doing what you do? Why do you want that degree, that job, that relationship, that house, that career, that car, that ministry, those friends, that baby, that shoe, that bag, more money??? Greed? Comparison? Jealousy? Why?

Okay, now that we have analysed comparison and the other fruits it can produce in one's life, let's address the root of the problem. How do we deal with thoughts of comparison, jealousy and the likes? Is there even a way out in this age of social media? Well, there is a way out, and it's in God's word. The following scripture has helped me a great deal:

"Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."  

Galatians 5:25‭-‬26; 6:4‭-‬5 (MSG)

For everyone who has received Jesus into their heart, you have signed up for a life that is led by God's Spirit (If you haven't, please do so today. Say the prayer on the left and send me a mail! I'd love to hear from you๐Ÿค—!). According to the first scripture, there are implications for this Spirit-led life we have signed up for and we must daily align our actions with the dictates of the Spirit by the power of the Spirit. 

The Bible then gives us one example of how to work these implications into our daily living: Everyday, we must not compare ourselves with others. And then, it gives an interesting fact that will help us greatly - YOU ARE AN ORIGINAL! Knowing this alone helps you put things in perspective - You're unique. There's no need to feel inferior or superior to anyone. The things you need will come when you need them. You do not need to be envious of another person's life or race. You are an original!

Moving on, the second scripture gives us two more solutions to comparison and jealousy:

Find Your Identity

✓ Find Your Assignment

In chapter 6:4-5, it says to carefully explore who you are - not just by reading self-help books, but by first consulting the One who created you. Knowing your identity in God keeps you from comparing yourself with another who is also a unique person. Who are you? What does God think/say about you? What does He see when He looks at you? If you would see yourself through God's eyes for one minute you'll see no reason to compare yourself with others.

Next, it says to also explore the work you have been given and sink yourself into it! Given by who? God, of course! So I ask you, have you found your assignment on earth, especially for this season and this time? Getting occupied with God's assignment for you leaves you no room for comparison. Take responsibility and get creative with your assignment, and I'm sure you'll be too busy to be bothered about what someone else is or isn't doing. Everyone is running their race (even those people you're envious of๐Ÿ™‚), so focus on your race.

Whew! That was two posts in one, and I don't even think I covered everything ๐Ÿ˜…! But I believe this was a blessing to you. Let me know how you defeat thoughts of comparison and jealousy in the comments. You can read more about dealing with jealousy in my book

Stay kept in God's loving arms, and steer clear of comparison and it's family members! ๐Ÿ˜

Your friend,



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