Purpose and Assignment (Part 1): Learning 10 things from Joseph and Moses

Hello! Welcome to Legacy Series!

Let's dive right into learning from Joseph and Moses about purpose and assignment...

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 37:4. Did you know that Joseph's brothers not only hated him for his dreams, but also because of the way he talked? There's a 'way' visionaries speak. You won't catch them talking down on themselves or their dreams, or even on others. They are not proud or arrogant but they are confident (we'll talk about the source of this confidence later on). They also realise that there is power in the tongue and would rather use this power positively.

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 39:7-10. Focus! Focus!! Focus!!! Distractions are real and they could be anything! Stay focused! Joseph could have been distracted by the appetite for sex just as Judah was in the previous chapter but he knew purpose was at stake. Pleasures would come later but for now, they were simply going to be distractions to him. Have you allowed something derail you from what ought to be your focus? Money? A relationship? Favour from people? 

Some distractions are very persistent, like Pharaoh's wife was. You don't joke with such distractions; you run from them. Purpose is at stake.

๐ŸŒ  There is training for purpose. Part of Joseph's training was the jail term, yet it added to his experience in human resource management and administration. His compassion for people was also brought to the fore. Later on, he had to pass the test of forgiving and caring for his brothers despite all they had done to him. He must have realised though that they were a part of God's ultimate plan and He couldn't accomplish that ultimate plan alone. Israel had to be 12 tribes. 

The tests and trials that come your way have something to do with your purpose. Stay the course. Come out stronger.

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 40:10. Unwavering faith and trust in the ability of God. This is the source of the purposeful man/woman's confidence. They know their God, the One who sent them on this assignment. They know what He is capable of doing. Therefore they are confident in Him and because of Him. Irrespective of whatever attends their way on their journey to purpose, their faith and trust in Him remains unwavering, even when they walk through uncharted territory. 

You see this repeated again and again in the lives of purposeful men and women in scriptures. Absolute trust. Absolute faith. Unshakable, immovable, and  unwavering. And I believe this in itself is one reason God always comes through for them. They trust Him. Absolutely.

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 40:7 COMPASSION. This is one thing that has stood out to me in this study of purpose. It seems like God specifically chooses men who have compassion for people. So it is safe to say that this is a requirement for those who seek to know and fulfill purpose. Jesus healed and even taught out of compassion. The whole reason He came to earth was His compassion for us. Moses was a meek man, full of compassion for his people. It was evident when he killed the Egyptian who fought with an Israelite, and even afterwards when He pleaded to God not to wipe Israel out desire their unrelenting stubbornness. 

Joseph's compassion for his fellow inmates made him notice the two men who had a sad countenance. God also saw that his motive for wanting to interpret their dreams was purely out of compassion and He gave him the interpretation. Long story short, compassion is a must.

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 45:6. See every job/task/office/role as an assignment. Not just an assignment given to you by man but one given to you by God. Remember the scripture that says to do all as unto the Lord? That's it. Joseph saw each task as his assignment from God and so did it with everything in him. Don't wait until you get 'there' before giving it your best. Be willing. Be available. Be dependable. Give it your best. You're building a track record.

Secondly, note that your purpose is first of all God's assignment to you. It's not man's assignment to/for you. Neither is it your assignment for yourself. It's God's and you should ultimately report to Him.

๐ŸŒ  Gen. 50:20. Your purpose/assignment is linked to lives and destinies. One way or the other, it always leads to the improvement of people's lives. This is also why compassion cannot be underestimated.

๐ŸŒ  Exo. 3:11. After God had given Moses a summary of his assignment, his first question was: Who am I? Sounds familiar, right? I can relate. It's the same question many of us ask when God gives us an instruction. But God desires that we see as He sees. All we need to start off is Him. Start seeing yourself the way God sees you. He wouldn't give you that assignment if He didn't think you were capable of pulling it off๐Ÿ˜Š

๐ŸŒ  Exo. 3:12. God expected that when He promised Moses His presence, Moses would get the memo and stop asking questions about his incapability to represent God. Alas, he didn't get it. The thing is, God expects us to rest when we remember that He is with us. He is all we need and He is the One who qualifies us for the purpose He has for us. Through Him we are qualified for the assignment even though it may seem like there are "more qualified" people. We've been qualified! You are qualified! He is your qualification!

๐ŸŒ  Exo. 3:12. In the process of discovering your assignment, stay to get the full instruction. Many people, young ministers especially, run off with half instruction and then wonder why they failed at the assignment. Stay to get the 'how', God's goal and His agenda. God didn't begin by telling Moses why he wanted His people freed so if Moses had run off after hearing the first part, he would have jumped the gun. 

Three more bonus lessons ๐Ÿ˜...

๐ŸŒผ Exo. 4:18. Moses could have blabbed about everything God had told him at the mount. But he knew better. Sometimes you must be quiet about what God has told you and the assignment He has given to you. Zip your mouth till the time of its manifestation๐Ÿค

๐ŸŒผ Exo. 18. Never feel too big to take advice from fathers/leaders/mentors/elders. Their oversight can save you a lot of heartache, whether or not they are operating in your 'dimension'. They are fathers for a reason; don't allow pride blind you.

๐ŸŒผ Exo. 6:12. It's so easy to keep second-guessing ourselves and the capacity God has placed in us when we meet roadblocks in our purpose journey. 

Note: The same God who called you when things were rosy and perfect is the same God when there are roadblocks and mountains. Don't doubt what He told/showed you simply because the going is now tough. Stop doubting that you've been equipped for this! (I feel I'm talking to myself right now๐Ÿ˜‚). If God is for you... He's all you need. So hang on! That roadblock is just a test that will pass.

It is in these trying times that you must keep your communication with God at its highest level like Moses did. Have constant meetings with the One who gave you the assignment. That's where you'll draw strength, assurance and faith. Keep going back to Him. It shows your lack of dependence on self (Pride) and absolute dependence on God (Faith).

I hope you learnt something from this or were at least reminded of some very important points ☺️ 

See you next time.

Your friend, 



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