In Pursuit of Abba

Heyyy! It's such a delight to have you here!๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ Today, we will discuss a topic that has been on my heart. Do read to the end,  feel free to share, and don't forget to leave your comments. Let's dive in!

I was discussing with a close friend recently, and I realized that we are both in a season where we are questioning everything that we do, in a bid to know the underlying factors and reasons for our doing these things. 

Trust me, we're not talking about "bad things", but good things, godly things. Although they are good and godly, there is still a need to know the motivation behind the things that we do and the things we believe. Are we just following the crowd? Or do we have a personal conviction for doing/believing what we do/believe? Do we really understand the purpose of the things that we do? Or do we simply do them because we were told as kids that it's the right thing to do? I would like you to ask yourself the same questions today.

There are a number of ways in which we seek after our heavenly Father, His kingdom, His will and everything in-between. But one of the ways I have come to see that many have neglected is Prayer. I'm sure some of you just thought, "Oh yeah, who doesn't know about prayer? What else does she want to say that we haven't heard?"☺️ 

The truth is a lot of us know about and use prayer a lot to communicate with our Father; but, back to our previous questions: Why do you really pray? Follow-up questions to this one would be, In your prayers, what do you usually say to Abba? What's the most consistent point on your prayer list? That you'll fulfill His purpose? That He'll bless you some more so you can be a blessing to others? That he will show you where your ministry lies? Or that He will answer that long-awaited prayer request for yourself or your loved ones? Again, why do you pray? Because it's your obligation as a Christian?

The above reasons for prayer and the prayer points aren't at all bad. In fact, God enjoins us to bring our requests to Him, to ask for what we want so our joy will be complete (John 16:24). But as I've grown in walking with God, I've realized that there's a deeper and more fascinating place beyond the place of simply asking... It's the place of fellowship. It's like the difference between the outer court and the holy of holies... It's a place of koinonia (communion); a place where you're not necessarily asking, you're simply rubbing minds with the Father, allowing His glory and presence to rub off on you, and listening to the thoughts on the Father's heart. 

As you fellowship with Abba, He sometimes leads you to pray about certain things which may require you to ask or legislate. But at this point, there's no praying amiss because He's leading you to pray His will. At other times, He just wants you to listen and enjoy His presence as His baby, while He also listens and enjoys yours as your Father - your singing, your silence, your worship, your questions, your heartfelt tears and groaning, the mysteries you're telling Him in your spirit language๐Ÿ™‚... This is the place of fellowship with Abba. 

It is here that hurts, pains, feelings of jealousy, envy, and inferiority are chipped off you. With all the sickness, killings, pain, sorrow, wickedness and darkness going on in the world today, it's natural to be weary and burdened. But here, in fellowship with Abba, you can find absolute rest. It is here that you are also moulded and transformed into the image of Jesus. You simply come out a changed person, not knowing when or how the change took place. 

There's a limit to how much you can know about a person if you only communicate with them when you need something from them. Your time of prayer must move from the level of an obligation, a chore, or a complain session, to being a sweet time of fellowship with the Father by the help of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:13) - something your life depends on because you realise God is your ALL. 

Finally, incase you have been burdened lately with all the happenings in the world, or maybe certain events in your life or family have drained you of strength, I invite you today to take up Jesus' offer: "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 NLT.

Simply begin with: Dear heavenly Father, I'm tired and I'm here to find rest. Then go ahead to tell him ALL about it... Fellowship starts here. Now.


Your friend,

Baby Song (by Pst Chingtok Ishaku)

At all Cost (by Dunsin Oyekan)


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