Hi there!

Welcome to the sequel to our previous post. If you haven't already read through the post, I would kindly advise that you do so as it contains the passage we will be drawing lessons from today. You can read the previous post here.

So, let's get right into it! What important points caught my attention in Ephesians 2? I used The Passion Translation because I love its rendition of the chapter. I'll try to summarize so we don't have a Part 3๐Ÿ˜
  • Verses 2-4 state that we were once in sin which is so true! We were all born with the nature of sin and born into a sinful world but then it says in verse 4 that despite this, God, who is holy, just and righteous, still greatly loved us! Don't know about you, but that alone makes me feel so special! I don't know what you might have done in your life, always remember that God still loves you... greatly.
  • Verses 6-7: Everyone who has received Christ into their hearts as the Lord of their lives has been raised with Christ. We took part in Christ's death and died to sin and the power of death. We were also raised with Christ to life and eternity guaranteed with Jesus! And spiritually, we are seated in Christ above all principalities and powers! Also, verse 7 makes us understand that through all that Jesus did, we have become the visible evidence of the limitless riches of God's grace! Say that to yourself: My life is a visible display of the limitless riches of God's grace, in Christ. Amazing!
  • Verse 10: This one is sincerely the bomb! If I were to explain, we'd probably just end the post here ๐Ÿ˜ but I have a better way: Say it to yourself. You can even put your name in there and repeat it over and again till it sinks. I, Precious, have become Christ's poetry, a recreated destiny that will fulfil the destiny that He has given me! (Note the word recreated, it means that you are not the same person from before; in Christ, you're brand new! Verse 13 also emphasizes this).
  • Verse 18-19: Because of Jesus, we are no longer foreigners or guests; we've been adopted! We are now children! We have equal access and right to appear before the Father ourselves; there's no more need for a mediator! You have got access to your Father!๐Ÿ’ƒ
  • Verse 20-21: Finally, our final point☺️ You are building in construction. So if and when you make mistakes, get back to your Father, make amends and forge ahead! You are in construction and the Holy Spirit is the master builder. He's constructing our lives day after day till we become the spitting image of Jesus!
Hmmm! That was an awesome ride! I hope you enjoyed finding out your identity in Christ. I had to cut some parts out so this post doesn't get too long, but you can share whatever you got in the comments, whether it's something I mentioned or the ones I didn't. And if you haven't yet asked Jesus into your life, I must say that you're missing out on the true meaning of bliss. I implore you to say the prayer on the left and do get in touch with me.

Till the next post, stay kept in God's arms.

Your friend,

The Champion (Nathaniel Bassey)


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