Very interesting topic right? I was also surprised to find this out :).

So I was studying the book of Genesis earlier this year and amongst other things, something that stood out to me was how some people's appetites put both themselves and their generations to come in big trouble! Let's look at some examples.

Case Study 1: Esau (Gen. 25: 24-34)
Most of us know how Esau's appetite made him forfeit his birthright in a heartbeat. He didn't even think about it simply because he was hungry! He was only hungry, not about to die... Sometimes, we are so overwhelmed with our current need, desires and situations that we make costly mistakes in our decision making, mistakes that will negatively affect our tomorrow. Don't allow a momentary circumstance leave a permanent dent on your bright future.

P.S.: Jacob was very wrong to have taken advantage of Esau's vulnerability in that moment. However, Esau turned out to be a very forgiving brother. I know some people would have never forgiven Jacob because the birthright was gone forever! His children would never get to enjoy that blessing. But Esau showed a high level of maturity when he forgave Jacob and I'm pretty sure God blessed him for that (Gen. 33).

Case Study 2: Judah (Gen. 38)
Judah's craving was quite different from Esau's. His was the inability to control his appetite for sex. His lustful desire made him impregnate his own daughter-in-law and almost kill her when he was the one at fault! I am not excusing Tamar's craftiness which was wrong, but in the end, God, who specializes in bringing beauty out of a mess, compensated her by bringing Jesus to earth through her lineage (Check out Jesus'genealogy in Matt. 1).

Case Study 3: The Israelites (Num. 11)
The Israelites craved the food of the Egyptians even after they had left Egypt. They had physically left but hadn't mentally left. So while they were in the wilderness their appetite for Egyptian food made them disregard God with their constant murmuring, and to say the least,  the consequence was grave. If only they had controlled their appetite and had been content, knowing that God had their best interest at heart and wouldn't leave them to starve, they wouldn't have died en masse as they did (Num. 11:33-35). People's fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters died because they could not put a leash on their appetite.

On a final note, any appetite (and it could be anything really food, movies, etc.) not controlled and put in check may land you in big trouble later in life. You don't want to get to a point in life when you're at rest only to have your life crumble because of an appetite or craving that wasn't kept in check. God doesn't want anything controlling us, except His Spirit.

P.S: Do you need help with curbing a stubborn or persistent craving? Share it with us in the comments section below and we will be glad to help!

Also, in these times when most cities and countries and on lock-down due to Coronavirus, ensure that your appetite for food, fear and the media are kept at the minimum while your appetite for God skyrockets. Study more, pray more, seek God more. He is indeed all we need in this season.


Your friend,


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