I'm so excited to have you here today! So, it's been one year since my book, The Backstage Process, was released into the world, and to celebrate this milestone, I thought it would be nice to give away some freebies.

Today, I'll be sharing one of the chapters of the book with you but more importantly, watch out for the big announcement coming up on 15th May, 2020... Don't say I didn't inform you ahead!

The Backstage Process was essentially written for young ministers, however, as you are soon to find out in this chapter, the book speaks to everyone-- irrespective of your current phase. So, whether you think of yourself as a "young minister" or not, grab a cup of coffee and possibly a notepad; you're about to embark on a worthwhile journey!

Chapter 10: Support Fellow Ministers

I know we have talked about supporting and believing the best in people; this, however, is a lot easier than supporting fellow ministers, and some of us find it rather uncomfortable to pull up and hold the hand of another minister.

Many of us carry this unnecessary competitive spirit that allows only ourselves to be foremen; every other person must fall behind us or we pick a quarrel.

The funny thing is that even those in the older generation are suffering from the same sickness. Why have we decided to compete with and compare ourselves with ourselves? This is shameful to the body of Christ.

If only we could realize how much more we can achieve as one, pulling each other up and holding each other's hands; if we would only understand that there shouldn’t be any competition amongst children of the same Father, except the competition with yourself so you can be better each day; if only we would stop being envious and jealous of the other person and rather focus on how to strengthen him/her; if only...

I have occasionally thought that Jesus must have spoken out of what He could see ahead when He prayed to the Father that we would all be one (John 17:11).

Enough of tearing down others and trampling on them; the devil should be the one at whom our anger is directed and not a fellow minister! Rather than tear down, be committed to building up. Rather than be jealous, focus on your lane and your race.

Take Paul for an example, he could have decided to see Apollos as his enemy but instead, he saw himself as his competition (Phill. 3:12-14). He also understood his unique place in God’s grand scheme of things and repeatedly mentioned this so he hardly exhibited any form of inferiority.

The Bible mentions in the book of Joel that the army of God, which we are a part of, will be in their lanes, everyone walking in his own path and they will not break their ranks! (Joel 2:7-8). This implies that everyone will be focused on their race, not having a reason to be jealous of another’s.

If we simply accept the facts that we are each unique, that we carry a different gift with which to bless the body of Christ, and that in order to produce maximally, these diverse gifts must work together, then we would quit the competition and jealousy.

Besides, whenever we begin to compare ourselves with each other, we have taken our eyes off the only worthy Focus for our lives – Jesus, and we have made it about ourselves.

Needless to say, the temptation to compare and be jealous will always arise, especially when you are in your backstage process. Every other person will seem to be making giant strides while you wonder why God has placed you on the back burner.

It is in such times that the devil seizes the opportunity to plant jealousy and envy in our hearts, capitalizing on the fact that we already threw a pity party for ourselves.

In this season, overcoming the temptation to compare yourself with another or be envious of another's success will require you to:
  • Remind yourself that you are in no competition with anyone but yourself. I had to tell myself once, “if you see the exploits others are doing and envy them, you are wrong. It’s either you get moving and start doing exploits for God too or simply keep mute and wait for your season. They are in the spotlight because it is their season and they are working for God.” Envy or jealousy is never the answer.

  • Admire them and thank God for their lives. This is something I’ve personally practiced. When I like what I see in another’s life, I admire them and sometimes go ahead to appreciate them. But I do not let my admiration degenerate to envy; so, I take it to God by sincerely thanking Him for their lives.

  • Pray for them. This has proven most effective for me, so much that it has become natural. Once I see someone (even my peers) with extraordinary grace or something in their life that I admire, I thank God for them like I mentioned previously, but I go beyond that to pray for them – that they would keep soaring and never fall or falter, that God will keep them and strengthen them, and that they would accomplish God’s ultimate purpose for their lives. By the time I’m done praying, jealousy has no place of abode around me! Remember Job prayed for his friends and God restored...

  • Encourage others. Help them bring out their best. Strengthen them when they feel too tired to continue. Give a listening ear whenever possible. Lend a helping hand... Even to those who seem to be fine by themselves.

Thanks for making it this far; I truly hope you enjoyed the read! Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and by the way, you can get the full e-book here. Also remember to stay tuned for our announcement on 15th May, 2020! 

Until then, stay kept in the Father's arms๐Ÿค—.

Your Friend,


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