
Showing posts from 2018

Merry Christmas πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I pray this season brings to you Shalom - the peace of Jesus - and everything that Jesus came to bring. In other news, dont forget that the Revised edition of the book "Spheres of the Youth: Yes, you can!" is now available in the e-version!!! You can get it on Okada books  here   at N850. You can also rent it on Panacea hub here  for a token of N200 only! (T & C apply) Hurry to get yours while offer lasts. Get for your friends too; it's the giving season! You'll be glad you did! And keep your ears open for more surprises! Merry Christmas again!!! Lots of love, Precious.

Something Is Cooking...

Hey dear! I know it's been a whileπŸ˜₯ I apologize, sincerely. But I have a good reason for staying away😁 So, I've been working on some things for a while now; things you will definitely be elated to hear about! Unfortunately however, I cannot share what they are yet, so we don't let the cat out of the bag before its time😁. But I promise that you will get wind of it once the time is right. So for now, stay glued to your seat, and ANTICIPATE! You can follow the countdown on our IG page: @amosun_precious 30.11.18 is just around the corner... I'm sure you can waitπŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š Lots of love! Your friend, Precious.

Legacy Nuggets

You are light! SHINE!!! Shalom! Precious.

Will This Bring Glory To God?πŸ’­

"But he who is uncertain [about eating a particular thing] is condemned if he eats, because he is not acting from faith. Whatever is not from faith is sin [whatever is done with doubt is sinful]." ROMANS 14:23 AMP "But the one who has misgivings feels miserable if he eats meat, because he doubts and doesn’t eat in faith. For anything we do that doesn’t spring from faith is, by definition, sinful." Romans 14:23 TPT HELLO!!! It's been sooooooo long and I apologize sincerely 😁 I had a lot to sort out personally and for some reason, although I've been learning a whole  lot, I just wasn't up to sharing anything in the past few weeks... Well, hopefully, I'm back! Today's discussion is actually one I wrote a long while ago but never got around to posting it because I didn't feel released to. It came to mind some days back and I think God will like us to discuss it now... In recent times, there has been this rift about what is r...

The Faith of our Fathers Vs. Our Faith

Hello! Welcome to a new month and welcome to MLS! So, I've been studying the Bible books of Kings and recently, something caught my eye. Take a look at the following scriptures: "Like King Jeroboam before him, he sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin; he never gave up his evil ways."  "He too sinned against the Lord and followed the evil example of King Jeroboam, who had led Israel into sin." 2 Kings 13:2‭, ‬11 GNT "He did what the Lord considered right, but not exactly what his ancestor David had done. He did everything his father Joash had done." 2 Kings 14:3 GW "Following the example of his father, he did what was pleasing to the Lord." 2 Kings 15:3 GNT These are just a few scriptures; there are many other similar scriptures in both books, and really, all through the Bible. However, my point is that I realized from these scriptures, both the righteous and unrighteous were judged against their fathers...

Expressions of Love

I trust God to help me pass across this message today. But please, listen with your heart and rapt attention 😊 There's so much hurt in the world... So much! I was reading through comments and articles on the life of a celebrity who recently passed, and to say the least, I became numb at some point... I kept questioning... If only someone had reached out to him... If only someone had shown him the love of God that heals and fills every void... If only he had known that depression is a choice and there's a way out of it... If only... Then I thought of the fact that thousands die by the minute who only needed to be shown the love of our Father... Note my point please: Love. Much more than anything, God seeks that they understand and know how much He loves them. Yes, they may be doing things that He hates and they themselves hate, but he doesn't hate them... They were created in His image; He only hates those actions and the spirits behind them. Some of us have tr...


M any times God tells us things that will happen in the near  future and we're all hyped, elated, and enthusiastic about what He has said He will do. Have you however wondered why some of those things are yet to manifest for you??? Today, we look at two examples from scriptures of people like is, who got a word from God and what their reactions were. First up is the Israelites... In Judges 20, from verse 18, one of the tribes -Benjamin- in Israel had done wrong and had to be punished. The other tribes asked God whether they could go to fight Benjamin and God said they could... But then, guess what? They were beaten by that small tribe! Twice!!! And both times they asked God before going, so what could have gone wrong? Well, they tried a third time and this time, they won... What changed? STRATEGY. Sometimes, doing the same thing the same way won't bring your desired result. The truth is many times, we move ahead of ourselves and ahead of God's will for us......

Prayers That Avail Much

Happy new month!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ On "Prayers that avail much" today, we will look at another of Apostle Paul's powerful prayers - Ephesians 1:16-19. Don't just skim through the verses. Really read through, meditate on the lines and then pray them with all fervency. I have copied a few translations for better understanding. There are four major things that jumped at me when I read these verses. You might as well pay attention to them. ~ Intimacy ~ Revelation/illumination ~ Clarity of assignment ~ The greatness of His power in me! A tip for the singles: Pray these verses over your would-be spouse and your childrenπŸ˜‰ You'll see the manifestation in due time. Let begin making prayers!!! "I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and...

Let Worship Rise...

God is faithful! God is FAITHFUL!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! I believe someone needs to hear that today... Yes, you're going through 'stuff' but your God is still faithful ! You can bank on His word. You can be sure that He will see you through the 'stuff' you're passing through. In a moment, you'll be out of this phase and on to a greater/better one! The Bible says God won't give you more than you can bear but will make  a way of escape for you! So, whatever it will take for you, His son/daughter, to come out victorious, God is willing and ready to do it! It may not come at the time you want it however, rest in the truth that it will come at just the right time. I myself, am going through such a season... But I am unshaken, because I can stake my life on God's word and promises!!! Every word of His has the capacity  to accomplish what He has sent it to do! It has the creative power to bring into reality things that were  once only dreams and fant...

Prayers That Avail Much

Hello there! Welcome and happy new month! Every once in a while, we will take a look at some amazing prayers from scriptures. We will look at one of such today and then, we will take some time to pray... Yes, pray☺ I can imagine that someone just went "oh, no!"😁 The truth is many of us would prefer a million times to rather study than pray (I see youπŸ˜‰). But as much as I'd encourage you to study the word as it helps you pray the right prayers and pray with understanding, I encourage you also to pray. Pray, pray and keep praying. Never stop! There was a time in my life when I really didn't feel like praying. I would study but prayer wasn't just it because my heart was too burdened. At that point, I remembered something someone once said: You may not always feel like praying but the key to praying when you don't feel like it is to pray . The truth is there's no shortcut to prayer. The only way to continue praying whatever the situation, is to pray...

Listen And Be Edified

Hello! Welcome again! On listen and be Edified today, we will listen to and meditate on another powerful song. This song was done by Elevation worship and features Travis Greene and Kierra Sheard. I'm triple sure the lyrics will minister to you greatly. The last part of this song reminds me about the power of testimonies. Sometimes, all we need to find the strength to carry on is to remember what we have been through and how God came through for us. I'll share some of my testimonies: I remember once when I was young, myself and my Mum were on our way to my school. She was driving. All of a sudden, this trailer came out of nowhere, hit us and then kept dragging us until we were off the road, and then the driver stopped. Amazingly, the accident was on my side of the vehicle but I came out without any issues (except the trauma), and I still attended school that day. Meanwhile, the car was written off! Another time, I had this severe stomach pain the doctors diagnos...

Happy Easter!!!

Someone may be wondering, but we've already concluded the Easter celebration... Well, what Jesus did for us is meant to be celebrated every single day we have breath, forever!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ So today, we will have a brief discourse on the reason Himself, JesusπŸ˜„ Feel free to leave your comments belowπŸ˜‰ All through last weekend and even before the season began, one thing has been on my mind: Jesus's finished work for me must not be in vain. There are two ways to look at this. His work could be in vain if we allow sin to reign over us again like it did to Adam, and it could also be in vain if we still go through every other negative thing He went through, when He went through those things so we would no longer experience them. What do I mean? The first point is clear to many of us. The book of Romans helps us understand that Jesus won the victory for us over sin and therefore we do not have to be slaves to sin any more. We simply have to exercise our God-given authori...

Stagger not at the Promise - 2

Hello! Thank you for being here!☺ If you haven't read the first part of this article, please do so. It will bless you☺ Sometimes, out of frustration from not seeing the manifestation of God's promises, we begin to think about the things that may have gone wrong. In this post, we will together cross out some things from that list of things that could go wrong so you can focus on the ones relevant to you. First of all, God's word can never be at fault. Someone may be thinking, are you sure? Can't there be just one incident where He probably said something He didn't mean, or something He won't do? Hmmm... The truth dear friend, is this: The fault is never from God's word or promise. God's word is yea and amen (2 Cor 1:20)! It is always true and He always means what He says... Always! He does not lie and He won't joke with something as important as your life! And the promise doesn't expire until it accomplishes what it was sent to do (Isa ...

Listen And Be Edified

On Listen and Be Edified today, I'll be sharing the lyrics of a song as well as the song. This song, like many other anointed songs, is a sermon by itself. So I won't say much. I'll just put the lyrics here and allow you meditate, and soak in it... Let faith rise in you as you read & listen, and let your heart be at peace as you actively wait for the manifestation of God's promises concerning you. While I'm waiting Travis Greene What my eyes can't see I still believe Everything spoken to me There's no word that can come back void I will trust the report of the Lord God is not a man that He should lie Every need He will supply So I will wait, I will not be moved I believe, I believe, I will trust in You While I'm waiting I'm getting stronger My faith is rising, and I will run on While I'm waiting, I'm lifting up on wings as eagles I believe, I will trust in You Oh oh oh I believe, I will trust in You Oh oh oh I bel...

Stagger not at the promise...

Still on this promise matter...πŸ˜ƒ  It's still early in the year but I know some have already began wavering...😊 How do I know? Well, we know ourselves πŸ˜‰  All I want to do today, as always, is encourage you.  From now until the end of the year, situations will come to test whether you actually believed God's promises to you this year, or you're acting based on trial and error😊. Temptations to forget the promises and find a "human" or alternative way out of your circumstances will come all through this year, but I urge you to hang on! God is too faithful and loyal to His word to go against it, and He has said He won't leave you, and that His word doesn't return to Him without accomplishing its purpose.  So, snap out of the pity party and begin confessing God's promises to you regardless of the appearance of that circumstance! The Bible says that those who possessed their promises did it through FAITH and PATIENCE. You cannot ...


Hey there!!! Thanks for being here! If you haven't read our last post, you will benefit from it so do avail yourself the opportunity πŸ˜ƒ Now to today's gist... This year, put ALL your trust in Jesus. No room for alternatives or Plan B's... Jesus all the way! No matter how tough it may get, and it could get really tough, trust Jesus. Seek His opinion above all others and take Him at His word... If He has said it, He will do it. If it's in His word, He is bound by it and He will fulfill it. Rest in His promises. Relax in the knowing that He sees, He knows, He understands and most of all, He's got a glorious and  beautiful plan! It will eventually work out for your good and end in praise! In every situation, consult Him first and if there will be any human consultations, let Him direct you to whom to consult. Don't reveal your issues to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Be Spirit-led this year. Don't be afraid to put all your eggs in one basket and be sure t...

The Better Way... Love's Way

There's always a better way... Responding instead of reacting, listening to the end instead of jumping into conclusions, listening rather than speaking, trusting God instead of worrying (I'm very guilty of this πŸ˜€), seeking God's report instead of man's, seeking God's help instead of man's, reading from the start of the semester instead of a week to exams, going to church every time you can make it rather than waiting till the last Sunday of the year to attend church😎... Name it! There's just ALWAYS a better way! Many have missed it in life simply because they chose the easier way... The easier way may not always be the best way. The better way may cost you but it always pays off in the end. Be disciplined and diligent enough to go the better way. Don't let fleeting pleasures derail you from making a better choice... Think the FUTURE and not just the NOW. So this year, keep your actions and motives in check. Before you make that move, ask yourself...