Expressions of Love

I trust God to help me pass across this message today. But please, listen with your heart and rapt attention ๐Ÿ˜Š

There's so much hurt in the world... So much!

I was reading through comments and articles on the life of a celebrity who recently passed, and to say the least, I became numb at some point... I kept questioning... If only someone had reached out to him... If only someone had shown him the love of God that heals and fills every void... If only he had known that depression is a choice and there's a way out of it... If only...

Then I thought of the fact that thousands die by the minute who only needed to be shown the love of our Father... Note my point please: Love. Much more than anything, God seeks that they understand and know how much He loves them. Yes, they may be doing things that He hates and they themselves hate, but he doesn't hate them... They were created in His image; He only hates those actions and the spirits behind them. Some of us have tried to reach out to them, but immediately pulled back once we noticed their "walls".

Well, this goes to every child of God out there: You are supposed to be a conduit of God's love; the expression of His love to the world. God's love makes whole, doesn't condemn, doesn't rejoice at someone else's downfall, isn't boastful or proud, helps, encourages, restores, sees the best in people, and heals. This is one great way we can make an impact in our world.

I also understand that you have your issues, but truthfully, it was never meant to be about you. You've been saved to save others. I apologize to those who are Christians but haven't been shown God's love by other Christians... My heart goes out to you. I pray that you experience God's love from today and become a transmitter of that love as well. Please, send me a message (my email is just by the right). I would love to hear from you!

Moving forward, the truth is this: Once we surrender and let God know that we desire to be used by Him to reach someone in this hurting world, I know for certain that He'll take it up from there. He'll open up the doors, small, medium, big, great... He'll also grant you grace and courage to take up the job. Just ensure He doesn't do this in vain. Keep to your promise. And by doing this, you may also find the healing you were seeking.

Let's stop God from weeping over one more person, and cause heaven to rejoice. It's not in our place to save them, that's God's job. All we need to do is show His love and tell about it. Begin where you are - with the lady down the street who begs for alms, the young boy who doesn't have a home, the man who has everything but lacks peace and seems to have a bad temper... If you can only see past their walls, you'll realize that they are people like us, looking for Love and help.

Be God's hands, mouthpiece and heart.

If you also feel impressed about this, kindly join me in saying this prayer and meaning it from your heart:

I ask that today, that you
Help me see past their walls,
To the hurt, pain, and void that lies within,
To their hurting hearts;

'Cos when I see past their walls,
There's nothing that will hinder me from showing them your love,
Or administering the drug in my possession that they need.

Grant me courage to speak your word with boldness,
To be the conduit of your love.
Let Your love shine through me,
That I'll be the expression of your love;
The hug that they need,
The smile that they need,
The encouragement that they need;
That I'll make an impact in one more person's life,
And help them see the love of the Father for them.

To let them know His heart breaks every time their hearts break;
To help them understand that He weeps when they weep;
That He yearns to help them; be their Father, helper, confidante, friend, courage and strength.

In such a world like ours,
Let me be Your hands, mouthpiece, and feet;
The vessel through which you reach out to them.

I declare that it's no more about me;
Use me,
Make me Your hands, your mouthpiece, your feet, your heart.
I surrender,
In Jesus might name I have prayed.

This song just encapsulates my message today. Listen and be edified...


Casey J - Your Heart 
(NB: I couldn't find a video on YouTube but you can please download the audio version ๐Ÿ˜Š)

These hands will wipe the tears for those who cry to you at night
And these feet will walk the miles to the place of those broken-hearted
And my voice will cry out for those who cry out for you

I'll be your heart to the ones I meet
I'll show your love to the least of these
I would have never known if you didn't first love me
I've learned to love when I'm your hands and feet
I've learned to love I'll be your hands and feet

These eyes will see the hurt of those who suffer silently
And this mind will be like yours and believe what you called us to be
Unselfish, unchanging, unfailing love

I'll be your heart to the ones I meet
I'll show your love to the least of these
I would have never known if you didn't first love me
I've learned to love when I'm your hands and feet
I've learned to love I'll be your hands and feet

I want more
I want more
I want more
Of you

Make me more
Make me more
Make me more
Like you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amen!!
    Thank you so much for sharing Precious.
    Strong work.

    1. Awwwww... I'm definitely touched by this. Thanks for reading Mr Ben! God bless you immensely and use you as the expression of His love to those around you! Have an amazing month!

    2. Amen!

      Continuous Blessings


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