Today, we look at two examples from scriptures of people like is, who got a word from God and what their reactions were.
First up is the Israelites... In Judges 20, from verse 18, one of the tribes -Benjamin- in Israel had done wrong and had to be punished. The other tribes asked God whether they could go to fight Benjamin and God said they could... But then, guess what? They were beaten by that small tribe! Twice!!! And both times they asked God before going, so what could have gone wrong?
Well, they tried a third time and this time, they won... What changed?
Sometimes, doing the same thing the same way won't bring your desired result. The truth is many times, we move ahead of ourselves and ahead of God's will for us... Agreed; He has told you to do something but wait! You know the "What" but do you know the "How"? Calm down and ask Him for the strategy... Selah๐
The second example is that of Samson's parents, Manoah and his wife, in Judges 13. God sent an angel to tell them His plans for Israel, of which they were part. Unlike some of us would do, they didn't just conclude the matter and then start thanking God for what He was about to do. Manoah prayed a sincere, heartfelt and significant prayer.
"Then Manoah prayed to the Lord, 'Please, Lord, let the man of God that you sent come back to us and tell us what we must do with the boy when he is born.'"
Judges 13:8 GNT
If you look closely at that prayer, you would see that He wasn't asking for the "what?", because he already knew the answer to that. What he was asking was "how can we partner with You to bring this promise to reality?' If they hadn't asked or carried out their part, God would still have do what He wanted to do but He may not have used their household.
Manoah was wise enough to find out the strategy... So, before you go running off like those 9 remaining lepers who didn't wait to get the fullness of their miracle, ask for the strategy... In some cases, God won't tell you all that is involved, but He definitely will show you the next step to take. Sincerely desire His leading, after all you cannot fulfill the vision by your power. It is His vision therefore He is the best person to tell you how to go about it.
With every promise comes a work you must do. It doesn't mean you're depending on your works to see its fulfilment (because you still have to depend on God to successfully carry out your part), but it means you should realize that there is a partnership that must occur before God's promises concerning you are fulfilled and then learn to trust God to play your part.
So, incase God has told you something you've been expecting to happen but is yet to come through, go back to him and ask what the strategy is... Because it just might be that your blessing has simply been awaiting one right move from you to manifest itself.
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