The Faith of our Fathers Vs. Our Faith

Hello! Welcome to a new month and welcome to MLS!

So, I've been studying the Bible books of Kings and recently, something caught my eye. Take a look at the following scriptures:

"Like King Jeroboam before him, he sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin; he never gave up his evil ways." 

"He too sinned against the Lord and followed the evil example of King Jeroboam, who had led Israel into sin."
2 Kings 13:2‭, ‬11 GNT

"He did what the Lord considered right, but not exactly what his ancestor David had done. He did everything his father Joash had done."
2 Kings 14:3 GW

"Following the example of his father, he did what was pleasing to the Lord."
2 Kings 15:3 GNT

These are just a few scriptures; there are many other similar scriptures in both books, and really, all through the Bible. However, my point is that I realized from these scriptures, both the righteous and unrighteous were judged against their fathers. The Bible either said they did worse or better than their ancestors, making reference to David for those who were righteous, and Ahab or Jeroboam for the unrighteous (Does it also strike you that there are more examples of evil than of good, even in our present day?). Basically, they were measured/weighed/scored against their fathers.

I am not in any way saying men should become our focus or standard, Jesus is our standard; however, just as Paul asked the Corinthians (1 Cor. 11:1) to imitate him, it goes without saying that God gives us spiritual fathers to help us stay on track.

I listened to a message recently and I was stirred as the Pastor reeled out testimonies of times past. I simply became dissatisfied and yearned for more. Some of us, like Gideon, wonder why we don't see as many incomprehensible miracles as there used to be. But the answer to that question is in another question: How many Christians today "know their God" (Dan.11:32b) as they ought?

It sounds to me like an irony because the times in which we live are more trying than they were for our fathers. Yet they sought God wholeheartedly! History tells of women who prayed privately on their knees and birthed world changers, and men of like passion as we are who were feared by presidents because of the exploits they commanded. And these exploits were birthed out of hours of tarrying in God's presence; not for miracles, but for the pleasure of knowing Him more.

Enough said. You and I know the areas where we've slacked or are slacking. Don't make excuses for your inconsistencies rather, begin to make amends. I'll put to you the question I heard recently from a man of God: "What are you doing with the Holy Ghost in you"?

Deep is calling out to deep. Intimacy is the key word.

"The Lord said to his people, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace.” But they said, “No, we will not!”
Jeremiah 6:16 GNT




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