Stagger not at the Promise - 2

Hello! Thank you for being here!☺

If you haven't read the first part of this article, please do so. It will bless you☺

Sometimes, out of frustration from not seeing the manifestation of God's promises, we begin to think about the things that may have gone wrong. In this post, we will together cross out some things from that list of things that could go wrong so you can focus on the ones relevant to you.

First of all, God's word can never be at fault. Someone may be thinking, are you sure? Can't there be just one incident where He probably said something He didn't mean, or something He won't do?

Hmmm... The truth dear friend, is this: The fault is never from God's word or promise. God's word is yea and amen (2 Cor 1:20)! It is always true and He always means what He says... Always! He does not lie and He won't joke with something as important as your life! And the promise doesn't expire until it accomplishes what it was sent to do (Isa 55:11)! Also, the promise is potent! It has the power to accomplish what it has been sent to do. The same way you cannot separate a man from his words, you cannot also  separate God from His words. So if you believe that God never fails then you must believe that His word never fails. Heb 4:12 further shows us the potency of God's word and it would be illogical to think that something as powerful as this just couldn't perform its assignment in your own life. It has worked for many; yours can't be different. Make this a point of praise. Whenever the challenges stare you in the face, take your eyes off them and focus on the promise, thanking God because you know His promise is sure, true, trustworthy, flawless, infallible and potent! Glory!๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

So, first point checked. The next point consists of two things I shared in the part 1 of this topic: Faith and patience. 1 Thess, 2:13, Heb, 4:2; 6:12. Again, you will only fully enter the promise if you walk by faith. Is there an area of your life where you're believing God for His promises? Faith it until it happens! Let your faith in the infallibility of God's word remain unshaken. A version of 1 Thess 2:13 says those who received God's word (or promise) received it as God's word. It's a different thing to know what's God's word says and another totally different thing is believe it is God's word. Remain unshaken no matter what the devil or life throws at you. Set your face as a flint and never be moved! Unbelief robs you of the manifestation of the promise. It was the reason a large number of the Israelites never entered the promised land and it is the reason many today never see the tangibility of the promises over their lives.

Finally, patience. Faith works with patience. Why do I say so? If you truly believe God's word never fails then you will understand that it's only a matter of time before it manifests and you will be willing to wait it out. Delays can be caused by us, the devil or God Himself. Once you have confirmed that the delay is neither from you or from the devil or have handled it as the case may be, all you do is wait for the manifestation. Everything has its appointed time and God is not slow. He will bring it to pass right at the nick of time.

Okay, we'll stop here for now. But one more thing, please share with us your testimonies of promises you awaited, what you did and how it happened. We'll be delighted to hear from you and someone's faith will be strengthened.
God bless you!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š




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