Listen And Be Edified

On Listen and Be Edified today, I'll be sharing the lyrics of a song as well as the song. This song, like many other anointed songs, is a sermon by itself. So I won't say much. I'll just put the lyrics here and allow you meditate, and soak in it...

Let faith rise in you as you read & listen, and let your heart be at peace as you actively wait for the manifestation of God's promises concerning you.

While I'm waiting Travis Greene
What my eyes can't see I still believe
Everything spoken to me
There's no word that can come back void
I will trust the report of the Lord

God is not a man that He should lie
Every need He will supply
So I will wait, I will not be moved
I believe, I believe, I will trust in You

While I'm waiting I'm getting stronger
My faith is rising, and I will run on
While I'm waiting, I'm lifting up on wings as eagles
I believe, I will trust in You

Oh oh oh
I believe, I will trust in You
Oh oh oh
I believe, I will trust in You

I will run and I will not be weary
I will walk and I will not faint
I will rise up on wings as eagles
I believe, I believe, I will trust in you

I believe, I believe, I will trust in You

God is not a man that He should lie! Keep believing, don't lose hope!

Happy new month!!!




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