Inside Work


Hey you! It's a been a whiiiilllllleee!๐Ÿ˜ I know, and I apologise. I just kept saying "I'll write next month", until I went 3 months without writing! The dangers of procrastination๐Ÿ˜ถ How have you been though? I trust all is well with you and yours.

Today, I'd like to briefly share something that was on my heart at the beginning of the year and I've recently been reminded of. It took me a while to decide on what the topic would be as I wasn't sure how to capture it in one short phrase, but it became clear as I typed this.

At the beginning of the year, we were told at my local assembly that it would be a year of wonders, and that God was set to work wonders in our lives. Of course, this got everyone excited as we anticipated the miraculous in every area of our lives.

However, as I prayed that my family and I would see wonders, the Holy Spirit began to open my eyes to the fact that the wonders we were expecting wouldn't happen as many think; rather, it would first of all begin as an "inside work" before it becomes an "outer work" that all can see.

Unfortunately, this "inside work" isn't one that many look forward to. Why? It's a work on your heart. It will stretch you, break you, rearrange your mindset and perspectives, cause you to unlearn and relearn, but eventually, leave you a changed man. It will address those things hidden in the recesses of your heart, things you have taken as normal when they ought to be tagged "abnormal ". It's a threshing work; a pruning work. The inside work will create more room for God, prepare you, and realign your perspectives so you don't shift ground when He begins to work through you. It'll keep you humble and ever willing to return the glory to God.

Why did I share this with us today? God wants to do a lot through us but He cannot do through us what He hasn't first done in us. In my last post, we talked about how our minds can limit what God wants to do through us. This inside work is another thing that limits what God wants to do through us, as some of us give up on the process before it even has a chance to begin.

Philippians 2:12-13 makes us know that we are only able to work out our salvation because God is working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. The inner work precedes the outer work. Will you yield to God today? To work in you so He'll be able to work through you?

I'm reminded of the Heartwork course by Pastor Debola Deji-Kurumi (DDK) which speaks a lot about developing a heart like God's. Please, do search for it and enroll, if you can.

Till our next post, shalom!

Your friend,



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