Happy Easter!!!

Someone may be wondering, but we've already concluded the Easter celebration... Well, what Jesus did for us is meant to be celebrated every single day we have breath, forever!!!๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ

So today, we will have a brief discourse on the reason Himself, Jesus๐Ÿ˜„ Feel free to leave your comments below๐Ÿ˜‰

All through last weekend and even before the season began, one thing has been on my mind: Jesus's finished work for me must not be in vain. There are two ways to look at this. His work could be in vain if we allow sin to reign over us again like it did to Adam, and it could also be in vain if we still go through every other negative thing He went through, when He went through those things so we would no longer experience them. What do I mean?

The first point is clear to many of us. The book of Romans helps us understand that Jesus won the victory for us over sin and therefore we do not have to be slaves to sin any more. We simply have to exercise our God-given authority over sin and by the help of the Holy Spirit, die daily to the flesh and live for God's glory. 

The second point however, which is where I'm headed, simply implies that it was never God's will for us to leave in sickness, poverty, failure, depression, shame etc. Name it! Jesus came, took all of these on Him so we would no longer be captives of these things. (Isaiah 53, 2 Cor. 8:9). Why did I separate sin from the others? There are Christians today, living holy for Jesus, preaching the gospel and serving God wholeheartedly who are still suffering everything Jesus already suffered on their behalf! 

For goodness sake, He paid for your freedom in full, and He paid it in your name!

So, live the life He suffered so you could live! Stop cheating yourself or allowing the devil cheat you. Jesus did it for you; don't let His finished work be in vain! Don't settle for less than what God has ordained you to have. Yes, seek first the kingdom but keep in mind that Jesus already purchased a fulfilled life for you on earth and has released everything you'll need to live fulfilled here on earth. So as you seek the kingdom wholeheartedly,  ensure you don't get to heaven and regret why you didn't touch 1/1000th of what God stored up for you. There will be challenges and persecutions nevertheless, God has promised to be with us and guide us through the life of an overcomer.

In conclusion, take what is yours! Give the devil no opportunity to rob you off what Jesus already willed to you. It's your inheritance in Christ! Possess it, while your eyes still remain focused on the Author and Finisher of your faith, Jesus.

P.S: If you are yet to have a relationship with Jesus, He's been waiting for you dear friend! With Him is the key to the fulfilled life you've always wondered about and more, so if you would, kindly pray the prayer by the left. Do send me an email once you have done this. God bless you!




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