The Better Way... Love's Way

There's always a better way... Responding instead of reacting, listening to the end instead of jumping into conclusions, listening rather than speaking, trusting God instead of worrying (I'm very guilty of this ๐Ÿ˜€), seeking God's report instead of man's, seeking God's help instead of man's, reading from the start of the semester instead of a week to exams, going to church every time you can make it rather than waiting till the last Sunday of the year to attend church๐Ÿ˜Ž... Name it! There's just ALWAYS a better way!

Many have missed it in life simply because they chose the easier way... The easier way may not always be the best way. The better way may cost you but it always pays off in the end. Be disciplined and diligent enough to go the better way. Don't let fleeting pleasures derail you from making a better choice... Think the FUTURE and not just the NOW.

So this year, keep your actions and motives in check. Before you make that move, ask yourself, could this be done in a better way? Is there a better response to the situation at hand? Could this job be done in a better way? If you need to give it more time, money, energy etc so it can be better, go ahead and do so. Just ensure you're giving your very best!

What will love do?
In your relationship with people this year, keep in mind what love will do because love's way is always the better way. It never fails. Overlook certain things because that's what love will do. Speak kindly, listen intently, shut the door to bitterness, strife, jealousy and envy, go out of your way to be of help to someone... Because that's what love will do.

I trust that you will have a much better year than previous years... Keep your mind ever fixed on the better way... Love's way๐Ÿ˜‰

Cheers to a great year!!!

Your friend,


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