I guess this will be my shortest post so far but please, get the message and begin to work with it! Time is running out!

So, in the past few months since the beginning of the year, I have come across three people, two of whom I knew and one who I simply stumbled upon, who have gone to be with Jesus. Each time I saw messages commiserating with their loss, tears streamed down my face. I was glad they had lived lives that people could testify about but much more, I asked myself, "what are we doing with the time we have?" These people are gone but we are still living yet some of us go about without a direction or purpose; doing nothing, running with nothing in view, reservoirs of blessings without pipes, just passing the time merely existing.


There's so much to be done and people are dying by the second. Use the opportunity you've got to impact lives! Many lives are depending on your purpose. Don't disappoint! People may celebrate your well-lived life here on earth but will you be able to stand before Jesus to tell Him you ran your race and finished your course? Will you be able to say you fulfilled the main reason for His putting you on earth? Stop focusing on minorities and begin doing what will count in eternity! Start fulfilling your purpose (some don't even have any idea of what that is yet!). Put as much effort into each day as though it would be your last on earth! Even if you don't die, remember Jesus is coming for His own soon so either way, TIME (your time) IS RUNNING OUT!

What are you doing with it?!!
Let's even begin where it all begins:
DO you know Jesus? Do you have a relationship with Him?
Do you know He has a purpose for your living on earth?
Do you know His purpose for you?
Are you fulfilling His purpose for you?



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