Listen and be edified... :)


SO, this is the essence of Christianity.... If Jesus had not died for us, it would have been disastrous. But if He did not rise from the grave, that would have been catastrophic!

This season, take out time to reflect on what Jesus did for you... And the implication of all that He did... He died, so you won't have to die spiritually; He took your sins and sickness upon Himself so you won't have to be a slave to either of them, and He saved you so you could also be the vessel through which someone else would be saved...

However, just in case you are reading this now and are yet to know Him, please, open your heart to Him. The greatest way to show love would be to die for a person; Jesus did it for you! And He rose again so you could live a triumphant life! Say the prayer on the left tab and please, do send me a message after you have done so :)

Here are two videos to edify your spirit, soul and body... :)

Just for me - Jonathan Nelson

Grace, mercy,
You created, to cover me
Love, you presented
Then you proved it on calvary
With the blood that you dripped 
To catch me when I slipped
Lord, I'm glad
So glad you did it 

Just for me
Just for me, just for me
So glad did it for me
Just for me, just for me

(God says) No, no, no
(I'll never let you go) NO no no
I'll give my life for your soul
You see I love you too much to let go..

SO glad you did it, glad that you did it

He arose!


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