What is the meaning of life? Is it just to study, possibly get to the point of becoming a Doctor, get married, have kids, work, get some awards and make some money? Is that what 'fulfilment' is about? Sounds quite empty and untrue.

I was browsing through facebook a while ago, and I stumbled on a post which was paying tribute to someone who just passed on... I don't know this person but the posts on his wall brought to mind things I have been praying about this week.

Life... Here today, and gone tomorrow. Is it then worth all the trouble we go through? Don't get me wrong; it's good to study and all of that, but is that all life entails? What happens after life on earth?
I have realised that the whole essence of life is to live for Jesus here on earth  and make it to heaven; to live for Jesus both in life and in death (physical). That's the summary of a fulfilled life. A life without Jesus here on earth is a nightmare. Yes, you may say there's really nothing wrong with my life right now, but have you ever wondered, "is this all there is to living"? There really must be something more! And this 'more' can only be found in Jesus!

The plans God has for you are awesome, better than any you ever carve out for yourself. It's only in Him you can find fulfilment because our whole existence was so we could give the One who made us, pleasure. Please, turn to Him today. Give Him your all; not 80% or 99.9%. EVERYTHING! I can guarantee that He is able to keep what you entrust in His care.

To those 'Christians' who are one leg in and the other out, don't hesitate any longer. Asides the fact that you'll be filled with so much peace and joy when you totally surrender to Him, I must say that Jesus is worth the risk!

To those still standing in the faith, let's take our eyes off the trivial things. Let's stop focusing on the minorities and begin focusing on what gives God pleasure: that people know Jesus and that they have a perfect relationship with Him (Jn 17:3, Col. 1:28). Let's begin to see them through God's eyes; people for whom God Himself had to give up His throne to die; people for whom His heart still aches. Let's reach out through every platform available, proclaiming the powerful gospel of Jesus. Let's no longer be comfortable with being complacent about telling everyone about Jesus. Let the love of God blind us to their reactions and help us see beyond the physical; how much they need Jesus. Let's get to work!

Once again, Jesus is worth all the risk!


(Kindly say the prayer by the left if you haven't received Jesus into your life and please, do contact me after doing so. God bless you!)


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