
Showing posts from 2019

The Story of Salvation

Hellooo! It's been ages right? I know! I trust you've been doing great, overcoming challenges and representing Jesus in your sphere! I have been tending to life events😁. Yes, I did tie the knot with my Sweetness😍 That gist is for another day but in summary, God is FAITHFUL! Today, in the spirit of celebrating our King - Jesus, I'd like to share a story God led Hubby to write. It explains salvation through a different lens. I hope that you not only enjoy reading it, but also share it  with someone who needs to see it. Salvation (To Save from Perishing…) “I think it’s time you had a son Sir”, said his brother, Codsh Ruach! “I think so too”, Elyon replied… “But I will have to make a palace for him: a place so beautiful and alive, a scenery that brings out his true potential, a place worthy of my power and my wealth. My son’s little sphere of influence before he matures to rule in his rightful place. I want something he will appreciate from the day of his birt...


Hi there! Thank you for stopping by today. I will be a little audacious today so I ask or your permission in advance. I don't care what you've done or how deep into evil you've gone. And guess what? God, your lover, doesn't care either. He's loved you consistently all this while and has been waiting for you to realize it.  His Son died so you won't have to go through the pain of hell, which is actually worse than physical death. You ask, is anything really worse than death? My dear, hell is. But God made a way already. How? He declared you " not guilty". You see, we were born into this evil and sinful world with the nature of sin in us. This is why it takes much more than a decision and determination to stop doing certain things... It's in our nature. But Jesus came, died for us, and gave us His righteousness in exchange for our sinful nature. However, you have to accept the offer. Many people wonder why there is so...

Good news! #TBP2019 is Here!

Hey there! Trust you've been hanging on to God and all His promises for you this year... May is almost over, however, we still have 7 whole months to see God's promises fulfilled in our lives. So, don' stop believing and walking in faith! In other news, God made it possible for us to get my newest book, The Backstage Process, ready for your consumption! 😊 I must say, it's been a long but fulfilling process! It's a story of the seemingly impossible being made possible! And guess what? The hard copies will also be out soon! (Keep your ears open for updates on that). TBP is a book written especially for young ministers, however, everyone is welcome to read it. The book itself takes you through a process with the Potter, and I pray you go through it with an open heart. You can get the book on   Amazon (US) ,  Amazon (UK) ,  Okada Books   and  Panacea  (you can rent the book on this platform). Enough said, tell someone to tell an...

We Triumph!

Hi there! Been a while... Trust you have been holding up awesomely 😊 Today, I'd like to share some words of encouragement from a scripture that has been on my mind for a while now one I have seen unfold in my life... " Now thanks  be  unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." (KJV) "In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ." (MSG) "But thank God! He has made us his captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume." (NLT) "Yet I am so thankful to God, who always marches us to victory under the banner of the Anointed One; and through us He spreads the beautiful fragrance of His knowledge to every corner of the earth." (The VOICE) ...

Listen And Be Edified

Hey there!!! Trust you're doing great today... February went by so quickly! Well, thank God for the February; now, we await March! Today, I'll be taking us through the path of a song I stumbled on recently: Spirit lead me ft. Micheal Ketterer. This is song is super amazing! A line in the chorus of this song says: I'm done chasing feelings.  In these times, when things seem rough and tough, we get so carried away sometimes that we forget to breathe and let God lead us; we get so caught up in the happenings around us that we unconsciously take over the steering wheel from the One Who ought to be leading us. Whether it's worrying, getting anxious, doubting, or any other action devoid of faith, we must learn to consciously, constantly and consistently surrender to the leading of the Spirit. I've always told myself, worry (and anxiety) doesn't change anything about the situation. If God is working on it, why should I lose sleep over it as well? He doesn...

What do you have in your hand?

Hi there! Happy new month! Welcome to the typical "love" month😊 I trust you will show love to as many as you can this month, just as you have always done. Today, we will talk about something God laid on my heart of recent. He was speaking to me particularly, but I also felt there may be someone who also needs to hear this. My question to you today: What is in your hand? I'm sure that since the year began, many of us have prayed numerous prayers as to God blessing, increasing and expanding us. Well, as you await the answers to those prayers, there's one thing you should note: Your capacity either opens more avenues for God, or limits Him in blessing you. Take a look at the story of the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. I wonder what Elijah's response would have been if she'd had absolutely nothing at home. However, her 'little' oil was the avenue through which God blessed her and gave her unexpected answers to her long-standing desires. T...

We Have A Tracker!

Hey there! Happy new year to you and yours!!! I trust 2018 was good for you, but 2019 will turn out to be even more exciting, adventurous and purposeful! Towards the end of last year, while in Bible study one evening, our anchor scripture came alive to me! It was as though I'd never really meditated on it. I'm sure you're wondering what it was that must have caught my attention. Well, here we go... So, I'd been seeking God's face for direction, insight and the understanding of His will for the next phase of my life. And it seemed as though I had no clue as to what it was. I struggled with accepting the truth that God definitely wants me to know His plans for me, and the fact that it didn't seem so. In the midst of my mind-racking and heart-searching, God reminded me of this scripture: 1 Cor. 2:11-12, and His explanation blew my mind: No human being can access another's mind; only your spirit knows what you have planned; only your spirit can acc...