
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Aisle by Gloria Amosun

So, we have a guest writer today and guess what?! She's my sister!!!!! Okay... The aisle... Well, I'll allow the story speak for itself but I can assure you, you will be glued to the edge of your seat till the end of the story... It's a bit long but you'll be glad you stayed till the end ;) Have an edifying read and do leave your comments!!! Here it goes.....

Listen and be edified... :)

HE AROSE! HE AROSE!! HALLELUJAH, CHRIST AROSE!!! SO, this is the essence of Christianity.... If Jesus had not died for us, it would have been disastrous. But if He did not rise from the grave, that would have been catastrophic! This season, take out time to reflect on what Jesus did for you... And the implication of all that He did... He died, so you won't have to die spiritually; He took your sins and sickness upon Himself so you won't have to be a slave to either of them, and He saved you so you could also be the vessel through which someone else would be saved... However, just in case you are reading this now and are yet to know Him, please, open your heart to Him. The greatest way to show love would be to die for a person; Jesus did it for you! And He rose again so you could live a triumphant life! Say the prayer on the left tab and please, do send me a message after you have done so :) Here are two videos to edify your spirit, soul and body... :)


I guess this will be my shortest post so far but please, get the message and begin to work with it! Time is running out! So, in the past few months since the beginning of the year, I have come across three people, two of whom I knew and one who I simply stumbled upon, who have gone to be with Jesus. Each time I saw messages commiserating with their loss, tears streamed down my face. I was glad they had lived lives that people could testify about but much more, I asked myself, "what are we doing with the time we have?" These people are gone but we are still living yet some of us go about without a direction or purpose; doing nothing, running with nothing in view, reservoirs of blessings without pipes, just passing the time merely existing. WAKE UP!!! There's so much to be done and people are dying by the second. Use the opportunity you've got to impact lives! Many lives are depending on your purpose. Don't disappoint! People may celebrate your well-lived life here...


What is the meaning of life? Is it just to study, possibly get to the point of becoming a Doctor, get married, have kids, work, get some awards and make some money? Is that what 'fulfilment' is about? Sounds quite empty and untrue. I was browsing through facebook a while ago, and I stumbled on a post which was paying tribute to someone who just passed on... I don't know this person but the posts on his wall brought to mind things I have been praying about this week. Life... Here today, and gone tomorrow. Is it then worth all the trouble we go through? Don't get me wrong; it's good to study and all of that, but is that all life entails? What happens after life on earth? I have realised that the whole essence of life is to live for Jesus here on earth  and make it to heaven; to live for Jesus both in life and in death (physical). That's the summary of a fulfilled life. A life without Jesus here on earth is a nightmare. Yes, you may say there's really noth...