
Showing posts from January, 2016

Listen and be edified

"Stop apologizing for what you know!... Stop trying to find the balance between your relationship with God and other areas of your life; He is the balance!... Stop worrying about "future poverty"...Let God take care of you!" Sorry guys, this is another for ladies... However, the things spoken about here can be applied to both genders. So, everyone.... Enjoy! (Try watching to the end, pretty please... ;)) Never stop becoming - Sarah Jakes Roberts Kindly leave your comments/questions! God bless you!

Obedience (3) - All God needs is your "YES!"

So, we have talked about obedience in general and we have tried to see it from God's perspective. Now, let's talk about our perspective.I know there are people who are saying within themselves, "I want to obey God but hmm... It's just a lot. I can't seem to pull the courage I need to obey!" This is for you. Obedience can be scary! (Somebody who understands this, let me see you wave ;)) And God's instructions and leading can sometimes be a really high-up-there task that we struggle with before accepting it. I wonder what Archippus thought when he was given this word from God. I can imagine that for some of us, we would say, "well, I haven't even come to terms with the fact that God has told me this, I'm not even sure He's the one speaking to me, talk more about ensuring that I carry it out carefully". I understand... God understands :)

Listen and be edified....

Ladies! This is for you! Please, listen, enjoy, be blessed and leave your comments! Questions are also highly welcome! Pardon me; I just happen to love this woman of God. "Be ye followers..." ;)

"...That it will be well with you..."

S till on the topic of obedience... Many a time, we study God's word and it looks like what God is 'demanding' is just too much for comfort. We feel He's just a task master seeking who would be his scapegoat or we simply decide to obey some and leave the rest for the 'more spiritual people'. But have you ever sat down to think, "what is God's main reason behind asking me to do these things?" In the text above, God's big idea is spelt out for us to read. I can just imagine God crying out, "Oh! If they only they would obey Me... Follow My instructions so I can bless them... I have blessed them but I want to rain even more blessings upon them... If only they would heed My voice..."  In the long run, it's all for our good. All the commandments, all the instructions, the do's and dont's  etc It's all so we can enjoy all that God has in store for us. God is passionate about your wellbeing!!!

Listen and be edified... ;)

"That  ye   be  not slothful, but  followers  of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises". - Heb . 6: 12 In Summer by Heavenly joy!

Your 5 For His 5000

Welcome!!! So, this is the first post and I am excited to finally have this up and running; a platform to be blessed and be a blessing... To God be all the glory!  I'll begin this journey with a very recent testimony which taught me a lot. I'm sure you'll be blessed by this... Enjoy! So, just as we rounded up 2015, God laid it on my heart to be a blessing to my Pastors... I struggled with this a little, (and only a little because I have learnt from past experiences :) ), but I eventually got around it. I went on to get the things I could lay my hands on and gave it to them from the depth of my heart... They didn't understand what I was doing and were even bothered that I had gone that far, but it was between myself and God and I had to obey...  Now, the testimony... About one week later, God surprised me with a gift which was  over five times what I gave! 5 to 5000! I knew God would do something but that wasn't the sole purpose. Even if nothing ...