
Showing posts from 2016


So, it's a new year and words of prophecy have come forth. You're also holding on to God's promises for the year... But, what stops you from enjoying those promises from now? Why wait till 11pm on 31st December to start asking God for "11th-hour miracles"? Take responsibility for the fulfilment of God's promises for you this year... Don't just sit around waiting for 'fate' to happen. Take charge! 2 Pet. 1:19 says to keep at it "until the day dawns, and the day star arise in your hearts". Even when the harvest comes, you still have to do the 'job' of gathering (Pr. 6: 8). So, don't be spiritually lazy... ;) wink emoticon


So yesterday, I was resting, and in my "half-awake-half-asleep" state, I remembered a friend; a friend I had tried to no avail to contact but simply couldn't reach for over a year. I wondered and was asking God what had happened to her, where she was, and what she had been up to.. Then I got up to check some messages on my phone. The first message was from an unknown number and the person said she got my number somehow... Only for me to discover she was the person I was thinking about only a few minutes ago!


While pondering on what God would have me share on the blog this week, a song by minister Eben, "stayed on you", came to mind.   There are many passages of scripture that talk about setting our hearts on Jesus, on eternity and on things above (See Heb 12:2) and the reality is, it is OUR duty to keep our hearts and minds focused on God. It's very easy to lose track and get distracted but you reap a delightful harvest when you keep your heart fixed on Him.   Last week, I remember saying that you shouldn't expect to receive from God if your heart is set on your situation, or focused on any other thing asides Him. In Isaiah 24:3, God says He will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are stayed on Him (paraphrased). Every time I read that scripture, peace just overwhelms me! However, I have come to the much needed understanding that it is a pact; our part is to keep our minds focused on Him and He will ensure we are in peace about whatsoever the situation might be...


Many times in life, we are faced with situations which require our immediate response. Some of these situations could come to test our faith and for some of us, we fail the test. We fail the test because we want to respond to the situation as urgently as it has presented itself. We fail the test because we feel there is "no time to waste". God's word says that when temptations come, one of the things they develop in us is patience... Endurance. The ability to wait. For many of us, we can get very tense and anxious in the face of situations that are beyond our control and the last thing we want to do at such times in our lives, is Wait. However, there is power in waiting. I must say here that waiting in this sense isn't the passive kind; sitting around, looking at the clock, passing time, worrying etc. The waiting I am referring to is an active one and I must say that whatever you spend your time doing in your waiting period largely determines what comes out when the...

"Will you work with and for me?" Hos. 6:6 (AMP, NLT)

When I was doing my undergraduate degree, one of my mentors, Pst Laju Iren, used to say, "it is good to work for God; it is better to walk with God but it's best to work with and for God". Much more than our service to Him, God seeks a relationship with us. It's not as though He doesn't want us to serve Him... At least, He told Pharaoh to let Israel go in order that they would serve Him (Exo. 8:1). But we see that these same people who were released to serve God kept honoring God with their lips whereas their hearts were far away from Him (Is. 29:13). You may then ask, what exactly did God really want from them? A RELATIONSHIP. The same thing He wants from us today.


Recently, I was listening to Evangelist Joyce Meyer. She began to talk about the passage in the Bible where Jesus cursed the fig tree and how she felt bad for the fig tree before she understood the passage properly :) Well, what caught my attention in that passage (Mark 11:12-14) was the fact that Jesus looked to see if He would find fruits on the tree.... In essence, if the tree was actually bearing fruits then it would be visible right? The tree could not bear fruits and store them in its trunk or stem, it would be visible for everyone to see. I began to think to myself, "how is it possible then that some believers claim to have/bear fruits but people around them cannot see the fruits?". How come we claim to have the Holy Spirit in us and produce His fruits but our lifestyles don't show it. I have seen many believers who claim to have the Holy Spirit but their language isn't different from that of the unbeliever.. For some, it is that they are always anxious and ma...

Think On These Things...

Hello! It's soooo good to have you here once again... Today, I would like you to take some time to just meditate on the above scripture. I used the Amplified version because it amplified the scripture very well ;) So, take out some time; think, ponder, mutter, say the scripture out loud, read it in other translations, ask questions, get answers... That's how to meditate. You can even go further to read the verses before and after this one for better understanding if the context of the scripture. In case you haven't been doing this, trust me, you'll be glad you did. There are some depths of revelation in God's word that you will never get except you meditate. Josh. 1:8 gives us this instruction. Gods word brings light. What "light" (revelation, insight) have you gotten from this scripture? How can you apply it to your situation? I await your response.


I love supporting avenues to impact the lives of others and platforms which also give people the opportunity to make an impact! So, here's introducing one of such opportunities... C.I.T.Y!!! C.I.T.Y is an acronym for Catch and Inspire Them Young ; it is a leadership program for teenagers powered by the Eagles HOPE Foundation (H.O.P.E) . Over the last 4 years through the C.I.T.Y program, H.O.P.E has engaged over 1,300 volunteers and a good number of corporate partners to reach over 7,500 Leaders (teenagers) across Nigeria at no cost to the teenagers.  In 2015, the C.I.T.Y Summer Leadership School hosted over 450 teenagers in four locations across Nigeria; Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, and Ota (Ogun State), engaging over 250 volunteers. The camps were running simultaneously in all four locations and were non-residential.


Hi there! It's great to have you here once again. Today, I'll be sharing my thoughts on an issue that applies to every human being; an issue that is taken lightly by some and highly esteemed by a few. The Cambridge dictionary defines the word 'isolation' as , "the condition of being alone, especially when it makes you unhappy; the fact that something is separate and not connected to other things". These definitions are in fact what I didn't expect to see. They are more vivid than I could have painted it.

Just Worship...

So, this is one song I love so much... It's so powerful; makes you very conscious of God's presence with us. Here as in heaven by Elevation Worship The atmosphere is changing now For the Spirit of the Lord The evidence is all around For the Spirit of the Lord is here Overflow in this place Fill our hearts with Your love Your love surrounds us You're the reason we came, to encounter Your love Your love surrounds us

What Are You Holding Back?

"I surrender all to you...Everything I give to you Withholding nothing, withholding nothing." (William McDowell) Some time ago, we sang this song at church, and as I meditated on the words of the song, I asked myself, "why did the composer have to include that last line of the chorus? It just seemed like an emphasis on what had already been said in the first two lines". Just then the Holy Spirit explained it to me. I remembered one of the ways through which children are taught arithmetics. It involves using the fingers for the numbers 1-10 and a fist for zero. So, when the teachers demonstrate "1-1" for instance, the result would be a fist and then they would open it up to show the children there was nothing in the fist. Then it began to dawn on me.

Listen, worship, be edified...

Hi there! So, I put up this video some months ago but I was drawn to it once again and decided to give someone the opportunity to partake in the heartfelt worship and intercession in it. Ensure you are not left out!                         William McDowell Song of Intercession This one is another interesting 'worship-full' song.... Be blessed and be a blessing to God as you worship....

The Trivial Things...

Wow!!!  It's been a long while! I apologize. So, recently I was studying the books of Samuel and asides the whole "Saul and David chase", I was drawn to how seemingly trivial things became big issues... Such that it became bigger than the perpetrators themselves... These seemingly trivial things soon became their "masters".  I'm sure someone is wondering what I'm talking about.  Well, to begin with, we all know David was a 'good boy' right? Permit me to divert a little here. Have you ever taken note of how David was described, his attributes?  1st Samuel 15 vs 18 in the Amplified version lists them out. It states that David (as a young man) was  skillful, brave, competent, a warrior, prudent and eloquent in speech, handsome  and ultimately, he carried God's presence! I don't think I need to speak any further about these qualities... Just reflect on your own life... ;)

Just SPEAK!!!

Just recently, I misplaced a very important item and stood a chance of having to pay a huge fine if I didn't find it soon enough. As much as I wasn't happy whenever I remembered it was missing, I was at rest. I kept saying, "I'll get it back and with everything intact; nothing missing!" Can I just say here that your mouth is one of the most potent weapons God has given to you. It's not for carrying tales here and there; it's an instrument which if used properly, can bring about an amazing life for you! As I was saying, one day passed by and I was still hanging on to God, trusting that I would get it back sooner than I could imagine. Then the following day, I was studying and something hit me. Proverbs 12:14 - "A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth...". At that point, I stopped and said, "Thank you Jesus because my item has been found and it is returned to me with everything intact!"

Just Worship...

                                   " Your glory God is what our hearts long for,                                      To be overcome by Your presence Lord...                                      Let us become more aware of Your presence,                                     Let us experience the glory of your goodness "... The lines of this song are just.... WOW! Make this a prayer from the depth of your heart. Sing the words with understanding...                                          Jesus Culture - Holy S...

The Aisle by Gloria Amosun

So, we have a guest writer today and guess what?! She's my sister!!!!! Okay... The aisle... Well, I'll allow the story speak for itself but I can assure you, you will be glued to the edge of your seat till the end of the story... It's a bit long but you'll be glad you stayed till the end ;) Have an edifying read and do leave your comments!!! Here it goes.....

Listen and be edified... :)

HE AROSE! HE AROSE!! HALLELUJAH, CHRIST AROSE!!! SO, this is the essence of Christianity.... If Jesus had not died for us, it would have been disastrous. But if He did not rise from the grave, that would have been catastrophic! This season, take out time to reflect on what Jesus did for you... And the implication of all that He did... He died, so you won't have to die spiritually; He took your sins and sickness upon Himself so you won't have to be a slave to either of them, and He saved you so you could also be the vessel through which someone else would be saved... However, just in case you are reading this now and are yet to know Him, please, open your heart to Him. The greatest way to show love would be to die for a person; Jesus did it for you! And He rose again so you could live a triumphant life! Say the prayer on the left tab and please, do send me a message after you have done so :) Here are two videos to edify your spirit, soul and body... :)


I guess this will be my shortest post so far but please, get the message and begin to work with it! Time is running out! So, in the past few months since the beginning of the year, I have come across three people, two of whom I knew and one who I simply stumbled upon, who have gone to be with Jesus. Each time I saw messages commiserating with their loss, tears streamed down my face. I was glad they had lived lives that people could testify about but much more, I asked myself, "what are we doing with the time we have?" These people are gone but we are still living yet some of us go about without a direction or purpose; doing nothing, running with nothing in view, reservoirs of blessings without pipes, just passing the time merely existing. WAKE UP!!! There's so much to be done and people are dying by the second. Use the opportunity you've got to impact lives! Many lives are depending on your purpose. Don't disappoint! People may celebrate your well-lived life here...


What is the meaning of life? Is it just to study, possibly get to the point of becoming a Doctor, get married, have kids, work, get some awards and make some money? Is that what 'fulfilment' is about? Sounds quite empty and untrue. I was browsing through facebook a while ago, and I stumbled on a post which was paying tribute to someone who just passed on... I don't know this person but the posts on his wall brought to mind things I have been praying about this week. Life... Here today, and gone tomorrow. Is it then worth all the trouble we go through? Don't get me wrong; it's good to study and all of that, but is that all life entails? What happens after life on earth? I have realised that the whole essence of life is to live for Jesus here on earth  and make it to heaven; to live for Jesus both in life and in death (physical). That's the summary of a fulfilled life. A life without Jesus here on earth is a nightmare. Yes, you may say there's really noth...

Listen and be edified... ;)

So today, we'll be learning some parenting tips from a famous minister's mother. Watch this and you'll be surprised yet come to terms with where this woman of God gets her inspiration.                        Juanita and Mother Bynum!

Relationships - God's Way.

So, this week my parents celebrated their anniversary of over 20 years! Consequently, in this post I've decided to let the cat out of the bag with excerpts from my forthcoming book, the first in the legacy series:  Spheres of the Youth: Yes, you can ! I'll just pick on a few points to note about your relationship with that one person.. First question is, "do you really think you are ready for a relationship?" DO you have an understanding of your purpose in life? Do you know what a relationship is all about? Do you know about the other gender and recognize the differences between yours and the gender of the other person? Have you healed from the hurt of any past relationships and do you realize that not all guys/ladies are the same? Have you addressed (or are you diligently working on) any personal issues you think you have? Are you spiritually, emotionally, financially, mentally and physically mature for a relationship? (I discuss these in detail in the b...

Just Worship...

We just talked about soaking in His presence... Here's one song that allows you soak in His love.   Pieces(Amanda Cook)- Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes. Song lyrics: Unreserved, unrestrained Your love is wild Your love is wild for me It isn't shy, it's unashamed Your love is proud To be seen with me

Soaked in His Presence

"Now when it was each young woman’s turn to go before King Ahasuerus, after the end of her twelve months under the regulations for the women—for the days of their beautification were completed as follows: six months with oil of myrrh and six months with [sweet] spices and perfumes and the beauty preparations for women". Esther 2:12 (AMP) In Esther's day, the young ladies had to undergo 12 months of beauty treatments. They massaged themselves with these treatments and literally soaked themselves in it! After using these beauty treatments and sweet smelling oils for 12 months, you can imagine that the fragrance would naturally emanate from them. They did all this for the king Ahasuerus and didn't have to use another fragrance when it was time to see the king; they just dressed up and went in as they were because they had soaked in the fragrance already for so long.

Listen and be edified

"Stop apologizing for what you know!... Stop trying to find the balance between your relationship with God and other areas of your life; He is the balance!... Stop worrying about "future poverty"...Let God take care of you!" Sorry guys, this is another for ladies... However, the things spoken about here can be applied to both genders. So, everyone.... Enjoy! (Try watching to the end, pretty please... ;)) Never stop becoming - Sarah Jakes Roberts Kindly leave your comments/questions! God bless you!

Obedience (3) - All God needs is your "YES!"

So, we have talked about obedience in general and we have tried to see it from God's perspective. Now, let's talk about our perspective.I know there are people who are saying within themselves, "I want to obey God but hmm... It's just a lot. I can't seem to pull the courage I need to obey!" This is for you. Obedience can be scary! (Somebody who understands this, let me see you wave ;)) And God's instructions and leading can sometimes be a really high-up-there task that we struggle with before accepting it. I wonder what Archippus thought when he was given this word from God. I can imagine that for some of us, we would say, "well, I haven't even come to terms with the fact that God has told me this, I'm not even sure He's the one speaking to me, talk more about ensuring that I carry it out carefully". I understand... God understands :)

Listen and be edified....

Ladies! This is for you! Please, listen, enjoy, be blessed and leave your comments! Questions are also highly welcome! Pardon me; I just happen to love this woman of God. "Be ye followers..." ;)

"...That it will be well with you..."

S till on the topic of obedience... Many a time, we study God's word and it looks like what God is 'demanding' is just too much for comfort. We feel He's just a task master seeking who would be his scapegoat or we simply decide to obey some and leave the rest for the 'more spiritual people'. But have you ever sat down to think, "what is God's main reason behind asking me to do these things?" In the text above, God's big idea is spelt out for us to read. I can just imagine God crying out, "Oh! If they only they would obey Me... Follow My instructions so I can bless them... I have blessed them but I want to rain even more blessings upon them... If only they would heed My voice..."  In the long run, it's all for our good. All the commandments, all the instructions, the do's and dont's  etc It's all so we can enjoy all that God has in store for us. God is passionate about your wellbeing!!!

Listen and be edified... ;)

"That  ye   be  not slothful, but  followers  of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises". - Heb . 6: 12 In Summer by Heavenly joy!

Your 5 For His 5000

Welcome!!! So, this is the first post and I am excited to finally have this up and running; a platform to be blessed and be a blessing... To God be all the glory!  I'll begin this journey with a very recent testimony which taught me a lot. I'm sure you'll be blessed by this... Enjoy! So, just as we rounded up 2015, God laid it on my heart to be a blessing to my Pastors... I struggled with this a little, (and only a little because I have learnt from past experiences :) ), but I eventually got around it. I went on to get the things I could lay my hands on and gave it to them from the depth of my heart... They didn't understand what I was doing and were even bothered that I had gone that far, but it was between myself and God and I had to obey...  Now, the testimony... About one week later, God surprised me with a gift which was  over five times what I gave! 5 to 5000! I knew God would do something but that wasn't the sole purpose. Even if nothing ...