M any times God tells us things that will happen in the near future and we're all hyped, elated, and enthusiastic about what He has said He will do. Have you however wondered why some of those things are yet to manifest for you??? Today, we look at two examples from scriptures of people like is, who got a word from God and what their reactions were. First up is the Israelites... In Judges 20, from verse 18, one of the tribes -Benjamin- in Israel had done wrong and had to be punished. The other tribes asked God whether they could go to fight Benjamin and God said they could... But then, guess what? They were beaten by that small tribe! Twice!!! And both times they asked God before going, so what could have gone wrong? Well, they tried a third time and this time, they won... What changed? STRATEGY. Sometimes, doing the same thing the same way won't bring your desired result. The truth is many times, we move ahead of ourselves and ahead of God's will for us......