Your 5 For His 5000


So, this is the first post and I am excited to finally have this up and running; a platform to be blessed and be a blessing... To God be all the glory! 

I'll begin this journey with a very recent testimony which taught me a lot. I'm sure you'll be blessed by this... Enjoy!

So, just as we rounded up 2015, God laid it on my heart to be a blessing to my Pastors... I struggled with this a little, (and only a little because I have learnt from past experiences :) ), but I eventually got around it. I went on to get the things I could lay my hands on and gave it to them from the depth of my heart... They didn't understand what I was doing and were even bothered that I had gone that far, but it was between myself and God and I had to obey... 

Now, the testimony... About one week later, God surprised me with a gift which was  over five times what I gave! 5 to 5000! I knew God would do something but that wasn't the sole purpose. Even if nothing happened afterwards, I wouldn't have complained. My sole aim was just to obey...

This year, make it a point of duty to obey, without any hesitation. If you argue the first time, the second time you shouldn't. And if you do, keep working at it till there's nothing you're holding on to so tightly you can't let God have it. God wants us to grow and this applies to our obedience as well. Partial obedience is synonymous with disobedience. As you obey, you get more familiar with God's way of speaking with you and you build your relationship with God...

So, be a sower this year not just for the blessing, but because you are an obedient child of His; pay attention to every instruction He gives you and carry them out unhesitatingly.

God loves you! Have a great and impact-full year ahead!

Much love,


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