"...That it will be well with you..."

Still on the topic of obedience... Many a time, we study God's word and it looks like what God is 'demanding' is just too much for comfort. We feel He's just a task master seeking who would be his scapegoat or we simply decide to obey some and leave the rest for the 'more spiritual people'. But have you ever sat down to think, "what is God's main reason behind asking me to do these things?"

In the text above, God's big idea is spelt out for us to read. I can just imagine God crying out, "Oh! If they only they would obey Me... Follow My instructions so I can bless them... I have blessed them but I want to rain even more blessings upon them... If only they would heed My voice..." In the long run, it's all for our good. All the commandments, all the instructions, the do's and dont's etc It's all so we can enjoy all that God has in store for us. God is passionate about your wellbeing!!!

Further down that verse, it says, "so that it might be well with them and with their children forever!" Wow! I think we just found one key to generational blessings! So, if you obey, you stand to gain from it and then your unborn children also stand to gain from it! God told King David the same thing, that was the reason someone from his lineage was always on the throne.

And now it's your turn... 

God's plan for us are the best you could ever have however, we must cooperate with Him if we will see His plans fulfilled in our lives... Begin your obedience challenge now! Do EVERYTHING He asks of you, by the help of the Holy Spirit, and watch Him play His part!

Have an awesome week-of-obedience! ;)



  1. Thanks dear, this is becoming so much of a blessing... #keep reminding us of these things and thou shalt be a good minister# love you loads.


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