Obedience (3) - All God needs is your "YES!"

So, we have talked about obedience in general and we have tried to see it from God's perspective. Now, let's talk about our perspective.I know there are people who are saying within themselves, "I want to obey God but hmm... It's just a lot. I can't seem to pull the courage I need to obey!" This is for you.

Obedience can be scary! (Somebody who understands this, let me see you wave ;)) And God's instructions and leading can sometimes be a really high-up-there task that we struggle with before accepting it. I wonder what Archippus thought when he was given this word from God. I can imagine that for some of us, we would say, "well, I haven't even come to terms with the fact that God has told me this, I'm not even sure He's the one speaking to me, talk more about ensuring that I carry it out carefully".
I understand... God understands :)

However, we must understand that if it's from God then it will be bigger than yourself... That's God for you. Gideon's assignment (Judges 6) was beyond him; Joseph's assignment (Genesis 37) was beyond him; Paul said I am what I am by the grace of God and how can we forget Moses who gave the excuse of stuttering... And so on. We can see from scriptures that all who were called by God saw the assignment as too great for them yet those who obeyed had one thing in common; they all came out great. What am I getting at?

1 Thess. 5 : 24 says, "He who calls you is faithful, Who also will do it." Did you get that? God will not ask you to do that thing and leave you to complete it alone; He will do it! Other verses of scripture you should consider are Phil. 1 : 6 and 2: 13. Sounds a bit complicated, but the reality is God has to do whatever He will do through a man, so He has called so He can do that thing He has purposed to do through you. So, what's our part to play if He's doing it all? It may seem overwhelming at the moment but just say 'yes' and follow His leading.

All God needs is your "YES!" That's where obedience begins...



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