Stop crying and MOVE!

Case in point: Exodus 14. 

So, the Israelites have recently left Egypt, on their way to the land God promised them. Then all of a sudden, Pharaoh 'comes to his hardened senses' and decides to pursue them. The Israelites look back and realize they are in the middle of the 'devil and the deep blue sea'. What next?

They begin to do the very thing most of us would have done: Complain (Point number 1). 

You see, we are so 'dedicated' to complaints as though our complaints have the power to change anything or have ever helped anyone. Notice that their complaints do not change anything. Rather, Moses boldly tells them to 'stand and see the salvation of the Lord'. More like 'stop complaining; be quiet and watch God work wonders'. 
Lesson one: Stop complaining!

Now, I guess at the time Moses was making those declarations, he was frantically praying in his heart that God will not put him to shame because the next thing God says is, "Why are you crying out to Me?" (Exo. 14:15 NLT)

So, for many of us, this is where we are. Our situation is very similar to that of the Israelites - being caught between two terrible choices, or probably you can't even see a choice at all! All you see are road blocks, no path ahead, nothing! Well, this is for you. 

Let's get on with the story. So, amazingly, God tells Moses, "why are you crying out to Me? Tell the people to GET MOVING! Pick up YOUR STAFF and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground." (Exo. 14:15-16 NLT; emphasis mine) It seemed more like He expected Moses to know what to do! I can imagine God thinking to Himself at that point, "why is Moses still standing there clueless? I've given him the rod. All he needs for the Israelites to get to the other side is in his hand! He should move!" Now, if I were Moses, I would wonder, "God, move to where? I know you don't need any reminder but the Egyptian soldiers are right behind, and before us is the ocean! So, where do we move to?" But God doesn't give Him the opportunity to ask. He simply tells him, 'take the staff'.

I need to you to take note of the first instruction: Move. He says that before H asks Moses to use his staff.  Sometimes, God just wants us to show our trust in Him by taking that leap of faith, even when you don't know the direction to take. Your steps are ordered; all you have to do is make a move. Lesson two: Move!

Finally, take your staff. You also have a staff. And in the midst of that terrible fix you may have found yourself, God is saying today: Stop shedding tears - they will do you no good. Move! Use your staff! I can't tell you what your staff is, but I can tell you that you have a staff. Ask God to open your eyes to it so you can use it for His glory. The same way the little flour that was left in the house of that widow of Zarephath was used to eradicate famine for them, that's how your staff is meant to make a way for you. 
Lesson three: Find your staff by asking God what it is and what it is meant for. Then use it.

So, there we are! I have decided to trust God, stop crying, move and use my staff. You should do same.. :)

Do share your story with us in the comment box. I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Replies
    1. @Lucky Thank God!! And thank you so much for reading! God bless you!

  2. Yes yes!

    Looking at the story of Joshua; the one in a million guy that made it to the promise Land. One of the key principles he practised was to act on Gods instruction immediately. Many atimes, its not like we intentionally want to disobey Gods instruction but fear has crept into our lives so badly that we cant see or imagine that God can even make anything happen.

    God would not have told Joshua to be strong and courageous if there won't be a need for it. It means you will get to cross roads in your life that will naturally cause you to fear. But God is saying be strong and courageous. He's got you!

    Thank you precielola!


    1. @Katie... Sooo true! Thanks for sharing this with us again! God bless you Katie! #BeStrongAndCourageous!

  3. My contribution, in Gen 14 :15, as you have rightly said, God expected Moses to act as has done in the land of Egypt with that staff. Furthermore, the Lord told Moses to move forward even though the sea was right in front of them. This strikes a chord in me to continue and totally believe in God as the Almighty, as he sees the end from the beginning. As regards to the staff which is a means of breakthrough, it could be ideas, talent, persons, etc. My prayer is that may God perfect all that concerns us.
    Nice and inspiring post...

    1. @Emmanuel.. Hmmm... Inspiring comment too! Thanks a lot for reading sharing this with us! God bless you!


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