Listen. Worship. Be edified.

Welcome again!

So, today, we will talk just a little about worship, after which I will leave you with something special ;)

Just one thing I want us to note: Worship isn't just about singing songs that provoke our emotions or singing "slow" songs as some people think. Rather it is about being living sacrifices on the altar for  God (Romans 12:2). Hence, worship constitutes a lifestyle that brings glory to Jesus. You can now see that it goes beyond just singing songs that many of us do not really mean; it's about your prayer life, your study, your fasting, your relationships, your words, thoughts and deeds (Luke 2:37). It constitutes just about everything that pertains to our lives.

So, the next time you think about worship, think beyond worshiping God via music. Think about the state of your heart before God. Think about your life of daily sacrifice before God. This doesn't stop you from worshiping God with music and songs rather, it makes you do it less religiously and more intentionally. A lifestyle that brings glory to God - That is what true worship is about.

In light of this, I will  leave us with a song. I'm sure you have a better understanding now and will worship God more intentionally than you've ever done.

I fell in love with the lyrics of this song the very first time I heard it and they have been a constant prayer. Make it your own prayer and be intentional about it!

I pray you have an encounter with God as you listen and be edified..


                                                ON FIRE - Victoria Orenze (Source: Youtube)


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