"Will you work with and for me?" Hos. 6:6 (AMP, NLT)

When I was doing my undergraduate degree, one of my mentors, Pst Laju Iren, used to say, "it is good to work for God; it is better to walk with God but it's best to work with and for God".

Much more than our service to Him, God seeks a relationship with us. It's not as though He doesn't want us to serve Him... At least, He told Pharaoh to let Israel go in order that they would serve Him (Exo. 8:1). But we see that these same people who were released to serve God kept honoring God with their lips whereas their hearts were far away from Him (Is. 29:13).

You may then ask, what exactly did God really want from them? A RELATIONSHIP. The same thing He wants from us today.
Many of us lament over the seemingly erratic nature of our relationship with God... Studying the Bible today but forgetting to do so the following day.. Praying fervently one day and managing to pray for only 5 mins the next... And so on.

Permit me to reassure you today that God sees your heart... And really, much more than you want it, He yearns for a more consistent relationship with you. There is so much He wants to show you, tell you, enlighten you on... (See Phillip. 2:12-13). This is not to say you shouldn't put in your efforts rather, the idea is that God is well aware that you cannot build relationship with Him by your efforts alone...

And He is willing to help you.

In summary,

* God seeks a relationship with you more than anything else.
* He is well aware that you cannot do this by your power.
* He is willing to help you... He seeks to help you... He wants to show you the way to build a consistent relationship with Him.

What then do you have to do? Simply let Him. Let Him teach you. Allow Him to walk you through situations that come to test your faith. Allow Him to strengthen you to study and pray daily; hear Him speak to you through His word. Follow His lead. (Heb. 8:10-12). Walk with Him... Work with Him...

God is asking you today, "Will you work with and for me?"

Much love,


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