Recently, I was listening to Evangelist Joyce Meyer. She began to talk about the passage in the Bible where Jesus cursed the fig tree and how she felt bad for the fig tree before she understood the passage properly :)

Well, what caught my attention in that passage (Mark 11:12-14) was the fact that Jesus looked to see if He would find fruits on the tree.... In essence, if the tree was actually bearing fruits then it would be visible right? The tree could not bear fruits and store them in its trunk or stem, it would be visible for everyone to see. I began to think to myself, "how is it possible then that some believers claim to have/bear fruits but people around them cannot see the fruits?". How come we claim to have the Holy Spirit in us and produce His fruits but our lifestyles don't show it.

I have seen many believers who claim to have the Holy Spirit but their language isn't different from that of the unbeliever.. For some, it is that they are always anxious and many of us fall into this category :); there is no calmness in their spirits. The one that is most alarming is those who go around with a frowning face 24/7!!! Even in church, they are rarely excited about God's word or about praising Him. I can imagine someone giving me a gift with a squeezed face; I would think twice before accepting such gift. How much more God? Yet we claim to have the joy of the Lord!!! If you did have it, trust me, we will see it in your smiles... You must have it said over and again that we are epistles to the unbelievers; even our smiles can attract people to God but this becomes the reverse when all people know of a particular Christian in their neighborhood is that he/she is always frowning or complaining. Some are simply unapproachable! Sister, how then will you get married?!

Allow your fruits to find expression! Let the Holy Spirit work in you and it will be seen on the outside. Don't just say Jesus is your Saviour, let Him be Lord... Allow Him transform you... Yield to the Holy Spirit. The books of Romans and Galatians (actually all the epistles) tell us a lot about this (See Romans 6:12-13, Romans 8:5-6, Gal. 5:16-18, 25). Philippians 2:13 says that God works in us and His work in us births what people see outside... So, if God is working patience, joy, peace, long suffering in you but you do not let it find expression then you have actually cut short His work in you... If He keeps investing in you, teaching you how to respond to certain situations but you never practice it then you're simply frustrating the grace He's giving to you.

Take note: It will definitely show on the outside if you have it on the inside. So, henceforth, be a doer of the word... Let God's working in you find expression through you so others can be blessed by your lifestyle. ALLOW the Holy Spirit guide your actions. Let Jesus indeed be your Lord; surrender to Him and let Him walk you through this journey of faith. Some of us are beclouded by the circumstances surrounding our lives (marriage, academics, relationship, finances etc). In such times, go to God, talk to Him, leave your burden at His feet and pick up His joy knowing that you are victorious come what may! There will always be challenges, but if you follow His leading, you'll find out that they only make you stronger and help you give better expression to His working on your inside...

Don't bottle it up... Let it flow from within... Begin by smiling... :)))))))))

Much love,


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