What Are You Holding Back?

"I surrender all to you...Everything I give to you
Withholding nothing, withholding nothing." (William McDowell)

Some time ago, we sang this song at church, and as I meditated on the words of the song, I asked myself, "why did the composer have to include that last line of the chorus? It just seemed like an emphasis on what had already been said in the first two lines". Just then the Holy Spirit explained it to me.

I remembered one of the ways through which children are taught arithmetics. It involves using the fingers for the numbers 1-10 and a fist for zero. So, when the teachers demonstrate "1-1" for instance, the result would be a fist and then they would open it up to show the children there was nothing in the fist.

Then it began to dawn on me.

It's not enough to say (or sing) "I surrender all to you, everything I give to you", whilst we still hold back a lot, a little or even one particular thing. So, we may declare "I give you everything, Lord" but then our fists have something in them... Something we have decided not to let go of.... Something we probably have forgotten about.... Something that has hindered us for soooo long and will keep holding us back if we do not release it...

You CANNOT surrender ALL and still hold SOMETHING (or some things) back... The process won't be complete until you're withholding NOTHING! Have you been deceiving yourself (because God cannot be deceived!) saying you have handed everything over to God when in actual fact you are still in charge of some/all areas of your life? Have you held on to a hurt, mistake, or even a success of the past? Are you holding on to fear of the future or of the unknown?

It's time to let go...

The last part of that song says, "I give you all of me..." I urge you today to SURRENDER in every sense of the word. Talk to God, give Him EVERYTHING and trust that He will make it good. His plans for you are the best you could ever be... He is your Creator and therefore knows what best suits you and what He created you to do on earth...

Think (and ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to what you may be holding on to unknowingly)...
Then, Surrender...

Much love,


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