The Trivial Things...

Trivial Things
Wow!!!  It's been a long while! I apologize.

So, recently I was studying the books of Samuel and asides the whole "Saul and David chase", I was drawn to how seemingly trivial things became big issues... Such that it became bigger than the perpetrators themselves... These seemingly trivial things soon became their "masters". I'm sure someone is wondering what I'm talking about. 

Well, to begin with, we all know David was a 'good boy' right? Permit me to divert a little here. Have you ever taken note of how David was described, his attributes? 1st Samuel 15 vs 18 in the Amplified version lists them out. It states that David (as a young man) was skillful, brave, competent, a warrior, prudent and eloquent in speech, handsome and ultimately, he carried God's presence! I don't think I need to speak any further about these qualities... Just reflect on your own life... ;)

So, back to what we were discussing... The trivial things... 
Saul's attempts to murder David began with just one thought... "Then Saul became very angry, for this saying displeased him; and he said, "They have ascribed to David ten thousands, but to me they have ascribed [only] thousands. Now what more can he have but the kingdom?" Saul looked at David with suspicion [and jealously] from that day forward". 1 Sam. 18:8-9 (AMP). That one thought metamorphosed into jealousy and then murderous thoughts and subsequently, murderous acts. 

Another example is that of Joab, David's assistant. Abner, Saul's assistant killed Joab's stubborn brother, Asahel and from that time on, although Joab never mentioned it, he started nursing hatred for Abner and did stop until his revenge had been executed (2 Sam. 2:18-23; ch 3:24-30). Hatred that was not curbed early enough became murder in the long run and guess what? David ordered Solomon to make Joab pay for his murderous act... So, what Joab did not deal with early enough led him to kill and also led him to his grave! 

What's my point? Pay attention to the trivial things. Don't leave them and assume they will not be detrimental later on.. Everything big started small! If you don't deal with that procrastinating, forgetful, disorganized, envious, jealous, biting-your-nails, time wasting, egotistic, not-eating-good-food, waiting-for-exams-before-studying, praying-only-when-its-time-to-sleep, (put yours in) habit, it'll deal with you in the long run. It's only a matter of time!

I rest my case...



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