Inside Work

Hey you! It's a been a whiiiilllllleee!😁 I know, and I apologise. I just kept saying "I'll write next month", until I went 3 months without writing! The dangers of procrastination😶 How have you been though? I trust all is well with you and yours. Today, I'd like to briefly share something that was on my heart at the beginning of the year and I've recently been reminded of. It took me a while to decide on what the topic would be as I wasn't sure how to capture it in one short phrase, but it became clear as I typed this. At the beginning of the year, we were told at my local assembly that it would be a year of wonders, and that God was set to work wonders in our lives. Of course, this got everyone excited as we anticipated the miraculous in every area of our lives. However, as I prayed that my family and I would see wonders, the Holy Spirit began to open my eyes to the fact that the wonders we were expecting wouldn't happen as many think; rather, it ...