Hi there! Thank you for stopping by today.

I will be a little audacious today so I ask or your permission in advance.

I don't care what you've done or how deep into evil you've gone. And guess what? God, your lover, doesn't care either. He's loved you consistently all this while and has been waiting for you to realize it. 

His Son died so you won't have to go through the pain of hell, which is actually worse than physical death. You ask, is anything really worse than death? My dear, hell is. But God made a way already. How?

He declared you "not guilty".

You see, we were born into this evil and sinful world with the nature of sin in us. This is why it takes much more than a decision and determination to stop doing certain things... It's in our nature. But Jesus came, died for us, and gave us His righteousness in exchange for our sinful nature.

However, you have to accept the offer. Many people wonder why there is so much evil in the world and God seems to not be doing anything about it. The simple reason is that God won't do anything without our permission. He gave the gift of choice. SO we have to consciously let Him in and allow Him take charge, which not many people have done. 

So, accept His offer. All you need do is sincerely and genuinely realize and admit your wrongs, accept Jesus into your heart, and believe He died and rose again for you. That's all! After this, the Bible says that you are saved! If you'd like to do this, please say the prayer on the left.

So, after getting saved (in case you're wondering what that means, that's what you just did; you got saved๐Ÿ˜), what next? Please get a Bible - one that comprises the old and new testament - and begin learning more about your Lover - God. I will suggest you begin with John and then Romans, and then you can go back to Genesis. You'll understand why when you begin.

Also, join a Bible-believing church that will help you grow in the knowledge of God. You can also join a service team or department after you have settled in. This will help you grow better and more quickly in the things of God.

To say the least, I am so excited for you! God is even more excited! I planned to share some insights from my new book in this post, but I believe God interrupted my plan for you. That's how much He loves you!

I would love to hear from you! Send me a mail at I'll be waiting!

Lots of love from your friend,

NOT GUILTY by Mandisa


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