Good news! #TBP2019 is Here!

Hey there!

Trust you've been hanging on to God and all His promises for you this year...

May is almost over, however, we still have 7 whole months to see God's promises fulfilled in our lives. So, don' stop believing and walking in faith!

In other news, God made it possible for us to get my newest book, The Backstage Process, ready for your consumption!๐Ÿ˜Š

I must say, it's been a long but fulfilling process! It's a story of the seemingly impossible being made possible! And guess what? The hard copies will also be out soon! (Keep your ears open for updates on that).

TBP is a book written especially for young ministers, however, everyone is welcome to read it. The book itself takes you through a process with the Potter, and I pray you go through it with an open heart.

You can get the book on Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Okada Books and Panacea (you can rent the book on this platform).

Enough said, tell someone to tell another person: #TBP2019 is available!

Thank you for being here! Thank you for your support! I look forward to seeing you do great exploits as well!

No impossibilities!

Much love,


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