What do you have in your hand?

Hi there! Happy new month! Welcome to the typical "love" month๐Ÿ˜Š I trust you will show love to as many as you can this month, just as you have always done.

Today, we will talk about something God laid on my heart of recent. He was speaking to me particularly, but I also felt there may be someone who also needs to hear this.

My question to you today: What is in your hand? I'm sure that since the year began, many of us have prayed numerous prayers as to God blessing, increasing and expanding us. Well, as you await the answers to those prayers, there's one thing you should note:

Your capacity either opens more avenues for God, or limits Him in blessing you.

Take a look at the story of the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. I wonder what Elijah's response would have been if she'd had absolutely nothing at home. However, her 'little' oil was the avenue through which God blessed her and gave her unexpected answers to her long-standing desires.

The same applies to us. The more we have in our hands for God to bless, the more increase and expansion we will experience. In other words, as you expand your personal capacity, you give God more room and more platforms for His blessings. This is not to say God wouldn't bless those who have just one thing they are focused on, rather, this is a call to expand, break bounds, and take giant leaps this year.

Create more room! If you have one, create another! Again, it's what you have in your hand that God will bless. If you have just one skill, God will bless it, but don't get jealous when you begin to witness the avalanche of blessings of another person who has 5 skills/avenues for the blessing... He/she has created platforms, avenues, territories, lands, etc. for God to bless, so when the blessing comes, you may begin to think God is being partial, whereas He isn't.

So, instead of getting envious of another's blessings, testimonies and breakthroughs, why not expand your territory this year. Give God more room. If, for instance, God intended to bless you with $200million but your mind, account and business only have capacity for $500,000, you will most probably end up with the latter because there was no room. You can be engaged in one line of endeavour yet build more capacity in that line thereby enlarging your coast for more.  Better still, you can diversify into other  lines of endeavour as God leads you.

In Malachi 3, the Bible talks about a situation where God releases so much blessings on an individual that he has no more room for the blessings. If I were you, I would ensure I've created more than enough rooms, so even when there's no more room, I know I'm already settled for life!

For some of us, God has been nudging us  in this direction but we have not been  sensitive enough. Let the story  change from today. Further your education. Learn a new skill. Make new profitable acquaintances. 
Increase your mental capacity.

DO more so you can BE more!




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