You have overcome!!!

Hey there! :)

Welcome yet again! I trust you enjoyed your Easter, and did celebrate the reason for the season - Jesus.

Well today, still in the spirit of Easter, I'll be leaving us with a song: Victor's crown.

The best part of this song for me is:

"Every high thing must come down
"Every strong hold shall be broken
"You wear the Victor's crown
"You overcome, You overcome!"

The last verse also gives me chills.

As you listen to and meditate on this song, realize that He overcame... For you. So, whatever the challenge you may be facing now, or may face in the future, you also have overcome! This is one of the reasons a christian's joy should never be depleted: YOU HAVE OVERCOME!

Enjoy the song, but also declare it over yourself. I HAVE OVERCOME!

Remember to leave your comments in the comments box, either for this post, or the previous ones. Also remember to subscribe to our blog.


VICTOR'S CROWN by Darlene Zschech (Source: Youtube)


  1. Something about Nigeria and the current wave of worship that I see surging across the land! I don't doubt that it's a move of God that is destined to sweep from Nigeria to the Nations. I am excited about worshipers and minstrels rising, especially from Nigeria. The Nathaniel Basseys et al are already front liners! It's sure a move to herald the coming of our Bridegroom-King. Truly King JESUS is coming! Thanks for sharing this worship piece. Our King has overcome and by extension we are overcomers!!


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