
Showing posts from 2017

My Pledge

Lord, I choose to be confident in the woman/man you've called me to be. Not the person situations have made me become, Or the person I think myself to be, But the person you see in me; The person you have placed in me I choose to be comfortable in my lane, Not competing with others or comparing myself with them; Not poking my nose into others' lanes when I have my race to run. Jealousy and foolish comparison will not have their way in me. I choose to be confident in the uniqueness of my gifts, calling, potentials, assignment, and resources, All that you have invested in me so I can become who you have called me to be. I have all I need and more in You, to become who you see me to be. I choose to stay in my process, trust your workings in me and be content in my uniqueness; I will not be complacent nor content with mediocrity, But will manifest the greatness and excellence you have put in me. I will not paint a picture of myself that you...

Snippets From God's Word...


Think On These Things


Listen. Worship. Be Edified.

Many of us crave for God's voice... You so wish that He would just speak to you.. "Even if all He does is call my name, oh, that He would just speak!" Interestingly, God is always speaking, in fact, He's always calling you. The question is, "are you listening?" We could get so engrossed in our world that we forget to pause. And LISTEN. This beautiful piece sung by Kari speaks volumes about this. Listen to and meditate on the lyrics. God, Precious is listening! Speak to me! (You can tell Him same...) Shalom, Precious. SPEAK TO ME by KARI JOBE (Source: Youtube) The sound of many waters Calms the sea in me The voice that ends the silence Meets me in my need Like fireworks Igniting in my chest The weight of Your glory The reverence I'm in awe that You would come to me In awe that I could hear You speak Speak to me Speak to me I'm listening Speak to me Speak to me I'm listening The sound that shakes the heavens The whisper o...


Hi there! I do hope you had a great April and you did maximize it to its full capacity… If you didn’t, no worries. May presents you with another opportunity… Anticipate it and use it well. And now to the business of today. So, one of the things I love to do in my leisure is read Christian novels. And as I thought about what to share with you today, I was reminded of  the novel, ‘The Crossroad’ by Beverly Lewis. I wouldn’t want to go into the details of the story (you can get the book if you wish, it’s very lovely) but the major thing that resonated with me was the title: Crossroad. Many a time, we get into situations and circumstances in life that seem to be three- or four-way junctions. We are faced with so many options yet we do not know which one to take. Whether it’s choosing the right job offer, deciding whether to get a PhD or settle for a job, deciding which school to go or which course to offer, deciding which of the ladies will make the best wife ;) or ...

You have overcome!!!

Hey there! :) Welcome yet again! I trust you enjoyed your Easter, and did celebrate the reason for the season - Jesus. Well today, still in the spirit of Easter, I'll be leaving us with a song: Victor's crown. The best part of this song for me is: " Every high thing must come down "Every strong hold shall be broken "You wear the Victor's crown "You overcome, You overcome!" The last verse also gives me chills. As you listen to and meditate on this song, realize that He overcame... For you. So, whatever the challenge you may be facing now, or may face in the future, you also have overcome! This is one of the reasons a christian's joy should never be depleted: YOU HAVE OVERCOME! Enjoy the song, but also declare it over yourself. I HAVE OVERCOME! Remember to leave your comments in the comments box, either for this post, or the previous ones. Also remember to subscribe to our blog. Shalom! Precious. VICTOR...

The Joy of Salvation

Happy new month people! I'm so glad to have you here again! A special thanks to all who made comments on the last post. God bless you! So today, we will be talking about a burden I have had for some time now. I say “we’ because I will only bring forth the challenge; you will contribute your opinion to the causes of the challenge and the possible solutions to this challenge. I look forward to your comments. Don’t forget that this will help someone out there. Let’s get the ball rolling! Case Scenario: Whenever I go for a service, as I enjoy it and praise God, or lead people in worship, I can’t help but notice the alarming number of people who are just indifferent about the service. It’s difficult for them to shout “hallelujah”, say “amen” and even more difficult to sing, dance, or clap in praises to God! One may think they are just “stiff” but I dare say, and I have pondered over this for a while, that these people have lost their excitement. Somewhere along the line...

Stop crying and MOVE!

Case in point: Exodus 14. So, the Israelites have recently left Egypt, on their way to the land God promised them. Then all of a sudden, Pharaoh 'comes to his hardened senses' and decides to pursue them. The Israelites look back and realize they are in the middle of the 'devil and the deep blue sea'. What next? They begin to do the very thing most of us would have done: Complain (Point number 1). You see, we are so 'dedicated' to complaints as though our complaints have the power to change anything or have ever helped anyone. Notice that their complaints do not change anything. Rather, Moses boldly tells them to 'stand and see the salvation of the Lord'. More like 'stop complaining; be quiet and watch God work wonders'. Lesson one: Stop complaining! Now, I guess at the time Moses was making those declarations, he was frantically praying in his heart that God will not put him to shame because the next thing God says is, "Why are yo...

Mutual Faith

Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! Welcome again to Legacy Series! I'm delighted to have you here, and I'm sure you will be blessed again today. While studying my Bible during the week, my attention was drawn to something with respect to the life of father Abraham. Abraham trusted God with his life. He was so confident in God and His faithfulness. He was so sure that even if Isaac had been sacrificed, God would raise the boy again because of His promises concerning Isaac. He trusted every word God had said without any iota of doubt. However, God also trusted Abraham! In Gen. 22, you would see that Isaac knew the procedure for offering sacrifices... He knew everything that was required for the sacrifice. How, you may ask? His father had taken the time to teach Him. I can imagine that Abraham, knowing that Isaac was the heir God had ordained for him, would take the young boy to all of his sacrifices and fellowships with God, so Isaac would learn. In one place, God said I trust Abraham...

Listen. Worship. Be edified.

Welcome again! So, today, we will talk just a little about worship, after which I will leave you with something special ;) Just one thing I want us to note: Worship isn't just about singing songs that provoke our emotions or singing "slow" songs as some people think. Rather it is about being living sacrifices on the altar for  God (Romans 12:2). Hence, worship constitutes a lifestyle that brings glory to Jesus. You can now see that it goes beyond just singing songs that many of us do not really mean; it's about your prayer life, your study, your fasting, your relationships, your words, thoughts and deeds (Luke 2:37). It constitutes just about everything that pertains to our lives. So, the next time you think about worship, think beyond worshiping God via music. Think about the state of your heart before God. Think about your life of daily sacrifice before God. This doesn't stop you from worshiping God with music and songs rather, it makes you do it less reli...

No Fear In Love

Welcome to the month of March!!! If you have read through the Old Testament, you would find out that what was predominant among the Israelites was the fear of God. (Gen 20:11, Exo. 1:17, 1 Chron. 16:25, Job 1:1 etc) Ah! The people feared God! By fear, I mean the kind of feeling you have when you’ve just been caught after doing something terrible. It’s a terrified feeling. That’s the kind I’m talking about here. But you see, this kind of relationship is limited; very limited. That’s why you find out that the Israelites kept returning to their vomit. Asides the fact that they had not been empowered to live above sin as the Holy Spirit was only upon a few people, their ‘fearful relationship” with God was a great hindrance to them. On the other hand, the New Testament shows us a better way around our relationship with God; the more excellent way. LOVE. A Christian who has only recently given his/her life to Christ may begin at the stage of the fear of God however, if h...

Internal Vs Outward Transformation (Part 2)

Hi there! Welcome once again to Legacy Series! Thanks to everyone who read our post last week! God bless you! So, last week, I remember asking a few questions. My questions were, “Have you ever wondered why there are so many Christians in Nigeria today yet there is so much evil in our nation? Or let’s even narrow it down to the fact that there are so many people who profess to be Christians yet there is very little expression of God’s power in many of our churches. Or the fact that the same people who call themselves Christians in church are totally different people outside of the fellowship of the brethren. Out of the many Pastors in the country, you’d be surprised how many of them are actually making waves in God’s own eyes.” Do you wonder why these situations exist? You can share what you think in the comment box below. However, I am convinced that one of the reasons we have so many “Christians”, not just in Nigeria, but in the world, with nothing to show for their ...

Internal VS Outward Transformation (Part 1)

Yaay! So, we’re finally back. We sincerely apologize for the long time away. It was due to some technological issues, and maybe some laziness J . However, it also provided us time to tweak a few things on our site. We hope you like it. J Now, to our first discussion for the year. As we begin the second month in year 2017, I’d like us to look back at the previous month. One out of twelve months of the year has whisked by already. What have you done with it? In particular, what has your relationship with God been like since the beginning of the year? Have you been stagnant, declining or making progress? Just recently, we were having family devotion (yes, my father still takes out time to coach his own children!) and my father was talking to us about some very deep truths as concerns Christians of today. One important thing he mentioned was, many Christians of today suffer from imbalanced teachings from their shepherds. He went further to say that many of us have a firm grip ...