So yesterday, I was resting, and in my "half-awake-half-asleep" state, I remembered a friend; a friend I had tried to no avail to contact but simply couldn't reach for over a year. I wondered and was asking God what had happened to her, where she was, and what she had been up to..

Then I got up to check some messages on my phone.

The first message was from an unknown number and the person said she got my number somehow... Only for me to discover she was the person I was thinking about only a few minutes ago!

You see, God sees our thoughts. In fact, you remember the verse that says, delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart? (Psa. 37:4) Well, I believe God wants to grant the desires of our hearts but He will do so only when those desires will bring Him glory. Hence, for those children of His who have allowed Him take control of their minds, He directs them to think the right thoughts so that as they think it, it just manifests!
Of course, I got the answers to my questions: where she was, what happened to her and what she had been up to ;) Indeed, "the steps of the righteous are ordered by God" and "those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God" (Psa 37:23, Rom 8:14).

The question then is, are you a son of a God? Are you part of the privileged group called "the righteous"? Have you allowed Jesus to take control of your life, including your thoughts? And you know, anyone who will successfully control his thoughts must also control the things his mind feeds on. I'm sure you know where I'm going already. Who gets to decide the songs, movies, books, videos, etc you feed your mind on? You or Him? Is He Master and Lord, or just Master?

You see, my Master will most likely only be concerned with what I do for Him, however my Lord, is concerned with every area of my life. He is concerned with the nitty-gritties that make me who I am. In other words, He is LORD over every area of my life; note EVERY AREA.

I congratulate you if He is your Master and Lord, but if He isn't, it's not too late. You can surrender to Him right where you are now and if you've never asked Him to come and reign in your life, kindly say the prayer by the left.

God wants to grant you the desires of your heart but there's a condition attached... He only grants those desires that will bring Him glory; the desires of His children.

I trust you have been blessed just as I was.

Your steps are ordered!

Much love,


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