Many times in life, we are faced with situations which require our immediate response. Some of these situations could come to test our faith and for some of us, we fail the test. We fail the test because we want to respond to the situation as urgently as it has presented itself. We fail the test because we feel there is "no time to waste".

God's word says that when temptations come, one of the things they develop in us is patience... Endurance. The ability to wait.

For many of us, we can get very tense and anxious in the face of situations that are beyond our control and the last thing we want to do at such times in our lives, is Wait. However, there is power in waiting.

I must say here that waiting in this sense isn't the passive kind; sitting around, looking at the clock, passing time, worrying etc. The waiting I am referring to is an active one and I must say that whatever you spend your time doing in your waiting period largely determines what comes out when the wait is over.
So, if all I do in my waiting period is sit, think, worry, and be anxious, then I should expect nothing good in the end. This is what I call passive waiting. However, the other one -active waiting- is one in which you are not just waiting for God to play His part but you are also doing your bit.

Active waiting involves taking time to find out and stand on all that God has said concerning you, all that has been written about you in His word. It is working out your salvation with fear and trembling as God works in you. It's seeking God and waiting on Him for His will for the situation, and trusting Him for the next step to take. It involves asking God for what He would have you do in the period of your waiting. It entails investing your time in service to God through any means He lays on your heart.

You simply become too busy to be bothered by the situation and eventually emerge the victor that you are.

You know, when you're passively waiting, you may not even know when the answer comes because your heart is not at rest, and it is focused on the problems, not on God. So when the answers come or the door is open, you're taken unaware. In some cases, you may be aware of the miracle when it comes but do not know what to do with it because the time you ought to have spent seeking God's will, you spent it moaning and whining.

I urge you therefore to choose today to wait on God regardless of how trying, tempting or intense your situation might be. Practice active waiting by taking your eyes off the circumstance and looking to God for direction and for His will. Seek out God's promises for your life and stand upon them. Trust God to bring His word to pass. "Faithful is He who has called you who also will do it" (1 Thes 5:24).

I will wait for Him. How about you?

Much love,


  1. Its wise to wait....I am waiting ...

    1. @Infurbia Thank you for your comment! Keep waiting... God bless you!


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