Relationships - God's Way.

So, this week my parents celebrated their anniversary of over 20 years! Consequently, in this post I've decided to let the cat out of the bag with excerpts from my forthcoming book, the first in the legacy series: Spheres of the Youth: Yes, you can!

I'll just pick on a few points to note about your relationship with that one person..
First question is, "do you really think you are ready for a relationship?"

DO you have an understanding of your purpose in life? Do you know what a relationship is all about? Do you know about the other gender and recognize the differences between yours and the gender of the other person? Have you healed from the hurt of any past relationships and do you realize that not all guys/ladies are the same? Have you addressed (or are you diligently working on) any personal issues you think you have? Are you spiritually, emotionally, financially, mentally and physically mature for a relationship? (I discuss these in detail in the book)

"...That you will not awaken love or arouse love before its proper time". SOS 2: 7 (GW)

Now, what should a relationship look like?

1. A relationship is not a relationship unless it has an end-point, a future – MARRIAGE.
This is the definition God gave me of a relationship after which I told myself I won't get into a relationship until I was ready for marriage. Not ready as in getting married the following day but in understanding that the commitment I was making was for a lifetime not for 1 month, 6 months or 12 months. Youths usually make mockery of our elders when they make statements such as, “I courted him/her for six years (or even more!)”. If you ask me, I really am of the opinion that we should return to the way it was done back in the days, not necessarily in courting for too long but in having the right intentions and understanding the meaning and purpose for the relationships we engage in. 

2. Know your partner's purpose! Two cannot walk together except they be agreed. (Amos 3:3) Compatibility is not just about having the same interests but actually much more about going in the same direction. Do you complement him? Can he support you? Do you both have a similar goal in life? Where is your relationship/marriage headed? I'm sure God is tired of those relationships which simply drag people away from the faith. Will yours be different? 

3. Set boundaries and trust God to help you keep them. It may cause some friction because your body longs for the opposite but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that the right time is always the best time. You are royalty! Don't give your treasure to the swine!
Also, spend quality time together both before your relationship and during the relationship. Bring up scenarios which could happen in marriage and talk through how you both would address them. Talk about your plans for the future. You will not get to know everything about him/her before the relationship but trust me, it'll pay you better to know each other as much as you can!

Well, I think I'll have to stop here today before I give away the whole book :) By the way, there's so much more in the book asides relationships. Please, do get yours once the book is out. I know it will be a blessing to you; I'm sure about that.

Determine to have your relationship the God-way!



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