
Showing posts from October, 2016

"Will you work with and for me?" Hos. 6:6 (AMP, NLT)

When I was doing my undergraduate degree, one of my mentors, Pst Laju Iren, used to say, "it is good to work for God; it is better to walk with God but it's best to work with and for God". Much more than our service to Him, God seeks a relationship with us. It's not as though He doesn't want us to serve Him... At least, He told Pharaoh to let Israel go in order that they would serve Him (Exo. 8:1). But we see that these same people who were released to serve God kept honoring God with their lips whereas their hearts were far away from Him (Is. 29:13). You may then ask, what exactly did God really want from them? A RELATIONSHIP. The same thing He wants from us today.


Recently, I was listening to Evangelist Joyce Meyer. She began to talk about the passage in the Bible where Jesus cursed the fig tree and how she felt bad for the fig tree before she understood the passage properly :) Well, what caught my attention in that passage (Mark 11:12-14) was the fact that Jesus looked to see if He would find fruits on the tree.... In essence, if the tree was actually bearing fruits then it would be visible right? The tree could not bear fruits and store them in its trunk or stem, it would be visible for everyone to see. I began to think to myself, "how is it possible then that some believers claim to have/bear fruits but people around them cannot see the fruits?". How come we claim to have the Holy Spirit in us and produce His fruits but our lifestyles don't show it. I have seen many believers who claim to have the Holy Spirit but their language isn't different from that of the unbeliever.. For some, it is that they are always anxious and ma...