The Trivial Things...

Wow!!! It's been a long while! I apologize. So, recently I was studying the books of Samuel and asides the whole "Saul and David chase", I was drawn to how seemingly trivial things became big issues... Such that it became bigger than the perpetrators themselves... These seemingly trivial things soon became their "masters". I'm sure someone is wondering what I'm talking about. Well, to begin with, we all know David was a 'good boy' right? Permit me to divert a little here. Have you ever taken note of how David was described, his attributes? 1st Samuel 15 vs 18 in the Amplified version lists them out. It states that David (as a young man) was skillful, brave, competent, a warrior, prudent and eloquent in speech, handsome and ultimately, he carried God's presence! I don't think I need to speak any further about these qualities... Just reflect on your own life... ;)