Mind Limitations

Hiya!🤗 How have you been? In the last few months, I have been drawn to the power that our minds wield over our lives. I've found out that it's easy to be yielded in our spirits, but our minds are a totally different ballgame. We tell God that He can do whatever He pleases with and through us, but, in truth, our minds are screaming "No!" This is how we limit God in our minds. God works with the capacity that we place in His hands; in this case, your mental capacity or mental space. And I'm not speaking in terms of intelligence or brilliance. It's actually more about how open you are in your mind to what God wants to do through and in you. How big a dream are you willing to dream with God? Is there a limit to how far you can see, with God? If, for instance, you're believing God for a breakthrough in your business or career, it's very possible that your spirit has already received it but your mind is still keeping it away. It's possible that you w...