Purpose and Assignment (Part 1): Learning 10 things from Joseph and Moses

Hello! Welcome to Legacy Series! Let's dive right into learning from Joseph and Moses about purpose and assignment... 🌠Gen. 37:4. Did you know that Joseph's brothers not only hated him for his dreams, but also because of the way he talked ? There's a 'way' visionaries speak. You won't catch them talking down on themselves or their dreams, or even on others. They are not proud or arrogant but they are confident (we'll talk about the source of this confidence later on). They also realise that there is power in the tongue and would rather use this power positively. 🌠Gen. 39:7-10. Focus! Focus!! Focus!!! Distractions are real and they could be anything! Stay focused! Joseph could have been distracted by the appetite for sex just as Judah was in the previous chapter but he knew purpose was at stake. Pleasures would come later but for now, they were simply going to be distractions to him. Have you allowed something derail you from what ought to be your focus? ...