Hey there! How was September? Share it with me in the comments😉! Meanwhile, today we'll be talking about a topic that plagues many people in our world - Comparison. If you remember Cain and Abel's story in Genesis, the Bible explains that Cain was angry that God received Abel's sacrifice but did not acknowledge his - Comparison . I believe Cain's envy didn't begin with the 'sacrifice saga', it was a seed that had been growing for sometime. His comparison of himself against Abel must have led to jealousy; jealousy led to envy; envy led to hatred; hatred led to murder! And he had to bear the consequences of his action all his life! Comparison is a destroyer; give it one mile and it takes 10,000! Jealousy and all its family members (envy, covetousness etc.) begin first with one thought of comparison. You know how you see something that someone else has and begin to wonder, " I don't have that. They look better or are doing better than me because o...