It's very difficult to just... stay . I know there are concentration lords among us, but really, for some of us it's a serious battle. You may have seen some parents play that game with their kids where they put candies in front of the kids but ask them not to touch the candies until a certain time. It's always hilarious the things those kids do in a bid to just...stay😂. Some count, some wonder, some sing, some try to play...all the while hoping their waiting time could just come to an end😁 Aren't we that way sometimes? God places us somewhere and asks us to stay till He's ready (or we're ready) to move to the next phase. An idea. A business. A relationship. A job. A location. A career path... But then, things happen and it gradually becomes difficult to just stay where He has placed us. Challenges happen, comparison happens, unmet expectations happen, life happens, and it begins to get uneasy and uncomfortable to just...stay. Like those kids, we want to...