Practice Hospitality

Welcome!ππππππ I have titled this post Practice Hospitality, because all the points we will discuss, except one, relate to this. Also, these lessons were taken from Romans 13 (NLT). There are many beautiful lessons in that passage (and I'd love to see your own lessons in the commentsπ), but I major on just four of them in this post. Let's dive in! π²"Always be eager to practice hospitality ." (V 13b) You may not like being hospitable, you may not know how to do it, or you may be a novice at doing it. Whichever is your case, practicing it will make you better at it. Keep doing it! Make it a job . Consciously and constantly go out of your way to be hospitable - whether you're a naturally kind person or not; be it to a stranger or to someone you already know. Verse 16 says "Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people." Ordinary may imply "not your typical friend", but we are to be hospitable to them anyway. I'm sur...