Hi there! Welcome to the sequel to our previous post. If you haven't already read through the post, I would kindly advise that you do so as it contains the passage we will be drawing lessons from today. You can read the previous post here . So, let's get right into it! What important points caught my attention in Ephesians 2? I used The Passion Translation because I love its rendition of the chapter. I'll try to summarize so we don't have a Part 3😁 Verses 2-4 state that we were once in sin which is so true! We were all born with the nature of sin and born into a sinful world but then it says in verse 4 that despite this, God, who is holy, just and righteous, still greatly loved us! Don't know about you, but that alone makes me feel so special! I don't know what you might have done in your life, always remember that God still loves you... greatly. Verses 6-7: Everyone who has received Christ into their hearts as the Lord of their lives has been r...